Chapter 10

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TW: none

That stupid ungrateful human.

The audacity he had to talk to him like that.

He was supposed to be afraid of him, to try keeping him away. And sure, a little bit of fear flashed in his brown eyes, but he had expected him to freak out as soon as he realized he was trapped in here with him. Dream hadn't been sure of keeping him here at first, but figured it would be the best way of watching over him. He was disgusted by the fact a filthy human was living under his roof, a few rooms away from him, but so be it.

Now the for him loud crying had stopped, he could finally rest at peace. Normal people wouldn't be able to hear such a thing, especially not three rooms away from them, but intensified hearing was one of the benefits he had being a vampire. Of course, this had it upsides and downsides, but overall he was glad to possess the ability. He remembered standing in a nightclub one time when he was curious about the strange-looking building. It was the point he discovered how much humans gossip about things. Within minutes, he already heard three different opinions on him from three other friend groups. One of them he memorized clearly; it had begun with a group of four girls, all blond hair and wearing tight short dresses. They were the type most boys were attracted to, which had never made sense to him. They were talking about how one of them had kissed a boy they apparently all knew and were obsessed about, and chuckled very loud during the conversation. This stopped when one of the girls caught him standing there, in the corner of the colorful-lighted room. She instantly signed the others to check him out, and he had a hard time figuring out why. 

That was until he found out it was because they thought he was hot. It was quite awkward to be able to hear them talking about his perfect features and well-built body, or how they wanted to be pinned to the bed by him. Of course, they didn't know Dream could hear that, but it made him quite uncomfortable.

They kept cackling to each other until one of them went over to him, asking him for his number. Multiple times he got asked that but he never gifted it to anyone, it was pointless at the end of the day. It would probably end up in him blocking them anyways. But, that night he hadn't drunk anything and was extremely hungry, so instead he offered her to go to a room upstairs. She thought the reasoning for him leading her to a bedroom was different, but that didn't matter as long as she gave in.

Story short, her blood tasted terrible and he regretted his action madly.

Most vampires seduced a human to fall in love with them before using them as food bags. The reasoning for this was their blood tasting better if they cared about you. The more they do, the tastier it is. He, on the other hand, was repulsed by the idea of a human loving him and chose for the other option; just drinking grose blood that made him want to throw up. He had no interest in wasting his time with someone that disgusting. He still hated the fact that Sapnap brought back new humans every single month; what on earth did they even see in that idiot.

Sapnap had told him multiple times to also use his strategy, but he'd rather die of shortage of blood than spending his precious time with those weird creatures. He had been one for 21 years, until he got turned into a vampire, but he never understood them then either. He was immensely thankful for Sapnap for making an end to that miserable part of his life, and replacing it with something much better. Sometimes he missed some of the things he couldn't do now, like watching a sunset or eating fast food, but that was a small price to pay in exchange for this. His friend turning him into one was one of the only reasons he hadn't kicked that idiot out of the house.

He abruptly opened his eyes when footsteps neared his room, slapping his hand across his face in annoyance. A fed-up groan escaped his lips as Sapnap came barging into his room, carrying his natural talent of doing that as loud as possible.

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