Chapter 14

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TW: biting, blood

This was it. Everything he had missed for the past few years. With every drop of blood touching his tongue he longed for more and more, not hesitating to take it. The fluid tasted so incredibly sweet, the warmness that spread through his body melted the closed-off icicle he had turned himself into. He used his hands to dig in deeper, to get more of the glorious and irresistible stuff. Nothing around him mattered anymore, he wished for the moment to stay by him forever.

He noticed slight pressure attempting to divide him and his pleasure and satisfaction, but he shrugged it off and fell back into sucking even harsher at the source of the devilishly delicious liquid.

As soon as two objects with massive gravity caused his back to hit something uncomfortable and hard he opened his eyes, staring right into a black void as his eyes weren't used to the light, especially since he was staring right at a lamp that annoyingly hurt them. With all the strength in him, he moved to break himself apart from the obstacle, but it was like a massive concrete wall had crashed down onto him, keeping him in the same position.

Slowly but surely more and more aspects of life around him began making sense in his mind as he blinked repeatedly to focus. A blackout overtook the option of thinking back to what had just occurred as the interference, Sapnap, was still holding him against the dirty floor with all his power.

He shook his head a few times to force his brain to use all of its parts, wandering to the couch like it had remembered where he needed to look. When his friend figured his formerly mushed brain was functioning again, he hesitantly released all pressure he had on him, Dream almost immediately sitting up to see the problem.

Dark red was slowly drenching a section of their couch, the thick fluid dripping onto the floor and leaving a small puddle at the spot. How further he brought his eyes up, how more tempting running away sounded, but he knew he couldn't. Two bare visible holes in George's neck were completely covered in blood as it uninterruptedly spurted out of the wound. The sickening sweet smell almost made him fall back, it reminded him of an expensive candy shop he used to go to when he was younger. The time he was still able to eat human food. Although being a vampire had massively more benefits, food wasn't one of them.

His useless breathing became heavier and quicker the more he watched the condition the one he had to protect was in, every single physical bad thing about him: all due to him. Maybe if he had listened to Sapnap, made humans like him before draining them, it wouldn't have been so hard for him to resist drinking more and more. Perhaps he would've been used to the irresistible flavor and managed to stop himself from going in deeper.

Sapnap and Karl's voices weren't forming any words in his mind, only weak slurs. They seemed to attempt to fix what he had done to the stressing tone they had, towels and water that had appeared out of nowhere were pushed against the life-threatening wounds on the brunet's neck. The blond firmly covered his face in his hands, inviting the darkness to take over the small amount of light stuck in his eyes.

He needed to be safe. George needed to be safe.

When Sapnap said something about him feeding George his blood, the tension and stress in his body decreased, but not fully. He still had a huge complication he didn't know how to fix yet.

The venom.

He didn't have any issues with it because every human he fed on he killed afterward anyway, but that wasn't the case now. Every time a human gets bitten, less than a drop of venom gets put into the body to flow with the estimating blood in their veins. It isn't dangerous, or deadly when it happens once, but it causes them to form some kind of addiction to the stuff. The longer the fluid runs in their system without renewing, the more crazy and insane their minds turn into.

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