Chapter 2

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TW: blood, biting

Chilly shivers got sent down his spine. Not because it was cold, but because of the fact he was out in the open, the only thing to comfort him being the moon and the stars, which didn't help at all, was frightening him. Every single noise made him jump; the bushes rustling, the distant honking of cars, a sudden buzz of a bug right by his ear.

He felt a drop of water touch his skin, flinching at the sudden movement. More and more rain started dripping down until it escalated into a full downpour. Normally he would have gone home, but he had already pissed off everyone there. He rushed to the shop, which only took him two minutes since he was fortunately close.

Once inside, he received a weird look from an employee, who was looking up and down at him. He was confused for a second, but then remembered his clothes were soaked from the rain. He rushed to the other side of the small shop, avoiding the employee's eyes. Lucky for him, there weren't any other customers in the building. His body was regularly warming up from the shop's heaters, calming down a bit after his journey through his ultimate nightmare.

When he was standing by the counter, the same employee that had seen him storm in helped him with his groceries. He took the time to observe the male better; he had brown hair just reaching above his grey eyes, which were looking back at him. Instead of making awkward eye contact, George's eyes started to wander to his clothes; black skinny jeans and a multicolored hoodie, printed with a spiral-formed green line.

'That will be 45 in total.' George thanked him, taking his food to leave the store when the boy tapped his shoulder.

He turned around, seeing him standing before him nervously, staring at his feet.

'Do you maybe want something dry to wear?' He spoke softly, granting him a small smile. George was startled, he didn't expect a nice gesture after such a shitty day. However he had to come home quickly according to his mother, he accepted the boy's offer and followed him to a room in the back of the store.

'Thank you so much,' he said appreciatively once he was done changing in the bathroom.

'No problem.' The boy gave him a piece of paper with a number written on it.

He took it, studying the written with ink name under the number.

'What is this?' He gave him a questioning look.

'My number, may you need something one day.' He found it difficult to understand but didn't bother to ask him about it.

Together they walked toward the exit, George's anxiety rising again. The rain had stopped, but that didn't make it less bad at all.

'Have a nice day!' The boy shouted when he left.

'Thank you for the clothes, I'll bring them back soon, Karl.'


He tapped his foot on the ground out of frustration. The blood from last night hadn't been that good, and his body was basically screaming for more. What was even more painful was the fact it was day and he couldn't go outside for another thirty minutes according to a random app on his phone.

Not having enough blood in his system was making him miserable; his hands were shaking and he had trouble focusing on certain things. The enormous headache was screwing with him too, making him want to burn in the daylight.

'Can you please shut it? You're annoying me.' His friend, Sapnap, was staring at the bottom of the couch, where his tapping foot was placed. He rolled his eyes, positioning it before him on the couch. He wrapped his arms around his knee and rested his head on it. The time was moving painfully slow, as the clock delayed itself just to torture him. He was so focused on the clock he didn't notice Sapnap talking to him, resulting in him getting slapped across the face.

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