Chapter 28

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TW: blood, biting, death

Friday, 18th of January
Year 2001

He found himself getting utterly bored from doing the same thing over and over again for years, but he never stopped. He needed to make sure everyone would be safe, and if that meant following his brother around every single day, he would do it.

It had been thirty years of his brother protecting this generation of the Davidson family, thirty years of daily investigating the place. Secretly, he hoped these people wouldn't have any children, that this would be the end of that stupid deal he had made all those years ago. Sure, he got it, he needed a goal in his life, something to keep him busy. But carrying this out for hundreds of years? That was a little much.

The wind was carefully moving his long hair, like it was peacefully floating on calm waves in a stretched ocean. He closed his eyes, a small smile appearing on his face. He was completely calm, yet something didn't feel right. A strange knot had formed in his stomach, and something seemed different than normal, he only couldn't identify what it was.

He opened his eyes, blinking a few times to sharpen his vision. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The small, wooden, and cozy-looking house was still standing in its original place, a cloud of smoke blending with the air surrounding it. He wanted to go inside, enjoy the warmth of the fireplace, but he knew he couldn't. As soon as his brother saw him, he'd freak out.

He inhaled deeply to smell the wonderful scent of the freshly mowed grass beneath him, but to his surprise, that wasn't at all what he smelled.

His eyes widened in an instant, his legs moving his whole body upward without his brain giving them the order or permission to do so.

How could he have been so dumb? So oblivious to what was happening right in front of him? The family had never had a fireplace, let alone smoke coming from a chimney.

The closer he got, the more he began to panic. Was he already too late? Or had they escaped? The cracking of the immense fire rose his anxiety as he didn't hesitate to enter the on fire house, struggling to see clearly.

There they were. In the corner of the house were sitting the last two members of the Davidson family, clamping onto each other and burying their faces in each other's shoulders. A ring of fire surrounded the two, there was no way he could get to them. Frantically, he searched the place for water to extinguish some of the fire, but he couldn't find any.

He needed to get them out of there now.

As soon as he began running back to the two, his ears picked up a deafened cry. He frowned, hesitantly switching his gaze from the humans and the noise.

Again, he heard the cry. Was it coming from a child? It certainly seemed like it, but it couldn't be possible, could it? There was no way they had a child and hid them from the world for this long.

He decided to run towards the noise. The closer he got, the louder it became. His feet flew over the stairs like they weren't there at all and the lights began to flicker before completely shutting off. The wood beneath him was dangerously cracking when he touched it, but he wasn't bothered at all.

His hands found a doorknob and before he knew it the heavy door flew open, revealing a small human lying in a cheap-looking crib. For a moment, he forgot that the house was on fire. For a moment, he couldn't think about anything else than the child in front of him. Their red and puffy eyes were staring up at him and they stopped crying as soon as their gazes met.

The baby was wearing a baby blue and soft-looking outfit with white lacing at the ends of the sleeves and their feet. A little bit of dark brown hair was sticking out of their head, looking soft and well-taken care of. The human smiled at him as no other had ever done, and he couldn't help but smile back. It seemed so pure, so peaceful, not meant for this cruel world filled with creatures he must never know about.

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