Chapter 1: Long Long Time Ago

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"We'll be right there," Thomas Wayne said to Agent Smith. "Mind if I use your office? I need to make a call."

"Go ahead," Smith said. "Down that hall then make a left. It will be the third door on the right."

"Thanks Smith," Thomas replied as Martha, Y/N, and himself started to walk to the office. Thomas Wayne is the Owner of Wayne Industries, a research and development company that is used for industrial purposes. He got married to the love of his life, Martha, and had a son twelve years ago that was named Y/N.

Currently, the Wayne's are at the main S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Ohio to observe the next generation Quinjet, that their team helped design and build. Thomas thought that seeing a Quinjet take off would be more interesting than staying back at Wayne Manor, so he was taken with them.

While they were walking to the office, Thomas and Martha noticed a light on in one of the computer labs.

"What are we? Partners with the electric company?" Thomas jokes as he went into the lab to turn it off with Martha and Y/N following. When they got into the room, they saw a man typing on a keyboard. "Oh, I didn't realizes anyone was here," Thomas said, startling the man.

"Oh... yes. Working on a little surprise for the misses. It took longer than expected.," He said with a Russian accent as he turned to face the Waynes and to cover the computer screen.

Sure is tall, Y/N thought to himself as he looked at the brown haired, glasses wearing man and stood behind his mother.

"Ah, a nice romantic getaway or something else?" Martha asked the man, clearly not liking this scene. They were told that everyone would have left for the day, as it was around 4:45 at night, so the demonstration would be more private.

"Not... um... with two two little girls to take care of back at home," The man replied. "Good kids, thought."

"Yes well, luckily we were blessed with a little one was well. Although, not so little anymore," Thomas said as he looked at his son. "He's just a little shy. Say hello to... I'm sorry never got your name."

"Alexei," The man said with a little smile as he took a couple steps forward.

"There's nothing to be afraid of Y/N," Martha said as she looked at him standing behind her with a smile. Thomas, feeling like something about this man was off, took this chance to look at the computer that the man was working at.

"H-Hello," Y/N said to Alexei, still not really used to meeting people much older than him.

"Who might you be, little man?" Alexei asked as he crouched down to be at the boy's level.

"Y-Y/N," Y/N said.

"What did you say you were looking at again, Alexei?" Thomas asked as we was looking at S.H.I.E.L.D. files, but not noticing how they were different from the others, making him realize that Thomas was now looking at the computer.

"Well... um-" Alexei stuttered.

"Thomas?" Martha asked.

"Radio Smith! Now!" Thomas called to his wife. "This man's steeling S.H.I.E.L.D. intel!"

"Wait! Wait!" Alexei yelled as he had his hands out. "We can make a deal!"

"We don't make deals with sleeper agents!" Thomas replied. "Now, Martha!"

Martha rushed to the phone in the room as Alexei reached behind him for a gun, being held in the belt of his pants. As Y/N hid under the desk that was right next to him, not knowing what else to do.

Alexei aimed, to only hit Martha's hand, but Thomas pounced of Alexei, making him shoot the wire connecting the phone. Thomas grabbed the gun and tried to move it up and into the air so it pointed at the ceiling, but Alexei was stronger and him. In struggle between the two men, Alexei had suddenly moved the gun at Martha, who was rushing to get to the other phone in the lab. "This is a misunderstanding," Alexei said as Thomas jerked, making Alexei respond in squeezing the trigger of the gun. The bullet fatally shot Martha in the heart.

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