I'm so sorry, it escaped my mind

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Ollie's P.O.V-

"Why do you do this to yourself, Ol?" Jasmine asked me while sliding on her air force one's.

"Do what?" I ask, typing erratically on my keyboard at my brown, worn out desk.

"Do all your school work late? You're a junior in college Ollie, you should have a schedule so you don't have to be breaking your back." I love Jasmine, but sometimes she can be fucking annoying.

"Stop lecturing me, mom. I do better when the work is done last minute, plus I only have a paragraph left, now get your bag and get out." I grip.

"Fine, ass." She mumbles, while pinching my cheek, making blood rush to my face. I swat her hand away, not without biting her wrist.

"You fucking cannibal, did you bite me?" Her face holds disbelief.

"Don't fuck with cats." I smirk.

"Please, don't remind me of that documentary, scared the living shit out of me." It did, for days she couldn't even sleep. She thought he was going to come and kill her.

Don't Fuck with Cats is a documentary on Netflix. It's about this guy, I believe he's a Russian guy, anyway he was suffocating baby cats in bags on YouTube. Some group on Facebook found it and started hunting down the killer. It was crazy as hell, and I would totally recommend it.

I type a few more words, and finish up my Poli sci paper. My professor is going to love this. I wrote an argumentative essay about presidential republics versus parliamentary republics. I found some real good research.

"Look I'm done. That's what I call determination." I start stretching my back, I've been sitting in this chair for 3 consecutive hours and all I want to do is lay down and take a nap.

"No, I call it laziness. Analyze my outfit, please." She does a quick spin for me, I won't bullshit myself, she looks amazing. Jasmine is wearing a tight light blue dress with spaghetti straps; her boobs are practically popping out the dress. Along with the dress, comes a silver studded necklace with butterflies on it and silver small heels. Her black hair is in waves that cascade down her smooth, tan skin back.

"You look fuckable." It's all I can say. "If Bea doesn't jump your bones tonight, then she's really not gay."

"Right? This outfit is inspired by season 2 Cassie. I've been wanting to fuck her for sooooo long."

"You wore underwear?" I ask.

She gives a devilish smile, "No."

"Good girl." We both high five.

Our conversation is put on hold once we hear a knocking at the door. Jasmine looks to me, I shrug my shoulders.

"Is that Bea?"

She shakes her head, "Bea's meeting me at the restaurant, I don't who that could be."

Jasmine walks over to the door, her heels clanking on the floor. The door opens, and then nothing, silence. She pans over to me, confusion on her face.

"What's up?"

"It's some giant red-headed guy with a Taco Bell bag. He's got on a fancy button up shirt with khaki pants" I gasp, oh fuck! "Do you know who he is?"

"Ye-yeah, it's Gerald Topolski. I told him to come over so we can hang out, and totally forgot. Oh god, look at me! I look like garbage!" I start to panic. "Where is he?"

"He's in the kitchen area, you do realize he can hear everything, right? The place isn't that big." It really isn't.

When you come through the door, it's a short hallway, the kitchen comes into view first, then the living room right in front. On the left is Jasmine's bedroom on the right is mines. The bathroom is across from the kitchen, which isn't the best place to put a bathroom.

My hair is bundled in a messy bun, I'm wearing a pink shirt with ketchup stains on it from the hotdog I ate earlier. Along with tight shorts you would wear for working out. He's going to take one look at me and run out the door screaming bloody murder.

"Oh, man. I can't ask him to leave now. This is the worst!"

"Ollie?" I hear Gerald say from my door, he just looks at me.

"Hey Gerald." I say sheepishly.

Embarrassment rides his face, "You forgot, didn't you?

"No! Well, yes, maybe but that doesn't mean we can't have a great time! It's just I had to finish this paper-"

"Which she should have written days ago." Jasmine comments. I give her a death glare. "Fine, I'm leaving. You two kids have fun, make sure to use condoms." She calls out, I then hear the door shut and now it's just me and Gerald. Him looking like a million bucks while I look like I just rolled out of bed.

"I'm sorry about her, she can be a nuisance." He laughs, flashing those sharp canine teeth I love. "Let me get changed and then we can eat and hang." I go to turn around, but he stops me with that deep, sexy voice.

"You look fine the way you are." I could tell he wasn't lying; Gerald would never lie to me.

I spit raspberries with my mouth, "No fucking way, I look like garbage. You smell and look like a million bucks; I need to match you."

He rolls his eyes, sitting down the food on my bed. "Ollie, you look perfect just the way you are. You're the only girl I know that can look sexy in a sweatshirt with ketchup on it and a messy bun."

I blush, "You think I'm sexy?"

His cheeks turn the color red, eyes revert anywhere but me, "Uhhh, let's get eating." He follows me more into my room, standing around awkwardly.

"You can sit on my bed, Gerald." He plops down, the bed sinks into him. He's so fucking big; I can't get over how big he is. I throw all the clothes off my bed into the hamper, and put my textbooks in my desk chair. "Thank you for bringing food, you didn't have to." I tuck my legs under me as I sit on the bed. He's so far away, it makes me sad. I move towards him; my bare knees touch his muscular legs.

"No problem. Do you like Taco Bell? I just took a chance and bought it, it's my favorite fast-food restaurant."

I smile, "It's fine Gerald, I actually like Taco Bell." To say thanks, I kiss his cheek, he shivers from my lips on his soft skin. He SHIVERED!

His eyes are glued to the poster behind me, "Are those playboy bunnies? Why do you have playboy bunnies on your wall?"

"Crap, forgot that was there. When I was younger, I wanted to be a playboy bunny, remind you, I was only 8 years old. I didn't know what they actually were, I just wanted to dress as a bunny and party in clubs, my dad never let me stay up past 8. When I told my dad, he almost had a heart attack. We still joke about it when I come home. I keep the poster up here to remember when I was innocent."

"What do you want to be now?" I cock my head to the side, not understanding what he means.

"Happy, free." I answer honestly. Suddenly, a wave of heat comes over my body, I need to take this hoodie off. "Hey, get the food out while I take my hoodie off and find us a movie to watch."

His Quarterback (College Life #3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang