You're taking me to Jump on the moon

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Ollie's P.O.V-

"What is this place?" I asked Gerald as we stood in front of a large dome-like building. It's got a rocket ship on the front; a man hangs out of it.

"Jump on the moon." He says simply, looking down at me with those memorizing eyes of his.

"Jump on the moon? What is this, a place for 10-year-olds? Are you about to party with some children?"

He grins, and it's the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Bright as the sun, warm as the desert. It's going to be hard to hang with him and not do anything. Gerald is someone who's meant to be touched, meant to be loved.

"It's a trampoline park. I like to come here sometimes and, you know, jump around. You let me pick the place, you want to go somewhere else?" He asked, taking his keys out of his pocket.

I hold up a hand, "No, I have nothing against the place, it's just somewhere I didn't expect." I move closer to him, I can feel his body tense up, but he doesn't move. "One thing to know about me, I love the unexpected." I start walking towards the door, and Gerald trails behind me.

Like a gentleman, he opens the door for me. I'm going to have to get used to that. We stand at the entrance of the trampoline park. On the other side of it, I could see planes and planes of trampolines, kids jumping on them, grins and cheers ringing out all over the place. Tired parents sit off to the side, either on their phones, recording their kids or rolling their keys, probably wondering when Zeus will hit them with a lightning bolt and ruin their misery.

At the counter sits a black guy. He's tall, in a high-top fade, green shirt with a rocket in the corner, his name reads Lonny.

Lonny looks up from the magazine he is reading, he looks at Gerald like he recognizes them, and I can tell he does from the growing smile that graces his face, showing his green braces.

"G, it that you! Get your ass over here." Gerald walks over, and I follow behind him. He dabs up the guy. "What are you doing here, I thought you would be at the dorm, watching Golden Girls."

I snicker, "You watch the Golden Girls?" He nods sheepishly. "So many secrets behind that beautiful face of yours." He blushes, looking away from me. I never met a guy who blushes as much as Gerald.

Most guys are cocky. They like to brag about how they look, and when you compliment them on it, they take it as it's expected. From being around Gerald, I realized that I've now outgrown all the men here on campus.

"And you must be Ollie Lopez. It's nice to meet you." Lonny holds his hand out for me, I shake it, and his grip is firm. My father said that you can tell a lot from a man's handshake.

"You too. So, how long have you two been friends." I ask.

Gerald answers, "Since senior year of high school. We met at football camp before we ever were students here. It's held for all the players to get to know one another and also work on skills. Lonny and I were shy and didn't vibe with most of the guys, that's what made us gravitate towards one another. We did drills together, ate lunch together all that stuff. Eventually, we had to go back home, to Indiana and Seattle. We exchanged numbers and talked whenever we could. At one point during the summer, we were face timing every single day, my mom thought we were a couple."

Lonny laughs at this. "When we got here, we were lucky to become roommates and have been tight ever since." He smiles, and the way he looks at Lonny, I could tell they were the closest of friends. Like he could tell him his deep and darkest secrets, and not be embarrassed.

Like Jasmine and I.

"This guy couldn't get enough of me." Lonny points out, shoving Gerald's shoulder, he hits him back and they start having a slap match. I just watch them play around, like little boys.

His Quarterback (College Life #3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora