Me and Ollie Lopez are texting buddies

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Gerald's P.O.V-

I walk out the doors of the science building, heading to whatever my legs take me. My phone's clutched in my hand as I wait for Ollie to answer me back. Since last night, when I saw her at the basketball game, we've been texting throughout the day. From the moment I woke up, walking to class, texting under my desk til now.

She's currently at her political science class, she says I'm distracting her. I chuckle to myself, telling her if I'm distracting her, then maybe she should stop texting me. Which her response was that if she did stop texting me, that would distract her.

Ollie is funny in person, but even more funny in text form. Last night, she sent me weird photos of her on her bed, the last photo was scandalous. She was wearing her night clothes, which was barely anything. She had on a thin black thong with a white night shirt that barely covered her ass, once my eyes saw the photo, my dick sprung up with excitement.

Ollie Lopez is trying to seduce me, and it's working. I dodge students on the concrete as we keep texting each other.

OLLIE: Where R u?

GERALD: Just left my class

OLLIE: Where R u going now?

GERALD: I don't have anything 2 do for the rest of the day, prob will go play games with Lonny

OLLIE: LONNY?? Is that your secret lover :/

GERALD: HA. HA. No, he's my roommate and best friend

OLLIE: Well, if you're up 2 it, I'd like 2 hang with U 😉, maybe come to my dorm later, you know the place

My fingers still on the keyboard as my feet freeze in place. She wants me to go to her dorm, with her, alone. I don't know how to respond. The last time I was alone with Ollie, she almost made me shit my pants, and we almost had sex. What if she wants to try round 2, I don't think I can handle that.

I like Ollie, and apparently, she likes me, and this is college, things move fast here. A first date equals sex the next hour. My brain realizes that I never answered her, and Ollie notices it.

OLLIE: Are U there? Did an alien come down and zap you??????


OLLIE: So, is that a yes for the dorm hangout?

GERALD: Sure, yeah what time

OLLIE: After class I need 2 help out my friend, so come around 8 2night

GERALD: I'll be there

OLLIE: Can't wait. Just an FYI, I don't wear a bra in my room 😉

I let out a small groan while gripping my phone, she's such as tease. I have a kind of date with Ollie Lopez tonight. Oh, damn I'm hanging with THE Ollie Lopez, alone, in her room, with no bra on. Was that an indication that we are going to fool around? Would I be ok with that?

HELL YES! But will definitely be a nervous little virgin I am.

I'll just do my best and try not to embarrass myself.

Once my phone is slipped in my back pocket, it starts to buzz again. It may be Ollie again texting a teasing message. From the caller ID I see that it's not her, but my dad.

"Hey, dad." I say into the phone.

"Hey son, how's college treating you?" His voice sounds weak over the phone. Slow and dragging. Most kids my age dads are in their early or late 40's. In my case, it's different. My dad had me when he was 42 years old. He'd already lived a full life, traveling all over Europe and South America, going to hikes in the Apps and having orgies at Burning Man in the late 70's.

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