The daytime stalker, Ollie Lopez

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"Ok class, we are now done with the lecture." Everyone in the class lets out a sigh of relief. Professor Leving chuckles, "I know this class is a lot, but if I have to suffer with saying all of it, then you have to suffer by listening."

We, and I mean all 80 of us, sit in a large lecture hall. Most of the time when he's speaking, some people sit on their computer looking for different majors, some fall asleep, maybe 2 percent listen, and the rest check out.

I'm the 2 percent that listens.

I make sure that I sit directly in the middle so I can hear everything he says and see the board clearly. Political psychology is a very detailed class and failing is not in my arsenal of tricks.

"Before you start making plans this weekend, we need to have our weekly Q and A. Now, you all know that you can answer as many questions as you want until it gets annoying, and I'll stop you."

At that, I sit up straight in my seat. I always look forward to the Q and A's that we do. We can get up to 10 points for each one, these many points can boost me up a whole letter grade.

"Ugh, we all know who is going to answer all the questions." I hear someone mumble from behind me.

"Yeah, she's going to talk and talk and never let anyone else answer." says the person next to him.

"I bet you 50 dollars she's going to answer all ten questions herself." He bets.

I can hear them slapping hands, "You got a deal."

I spend the last five minutes of class answering every single question, it's not my fault that I study the material once class is over. I answered so much that my professor told me to stop answering so others could have a chance. "Trust me Olixander, I'm enthused that you know the material, but let the other fishes swim too?" Some kids snicker.

"Sure thing, prof." I give him a thumbs up.

Before I know it, class is over, and everyone rushes out the door. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I turn to the guy who won the bet against his friend. He's pretty cute, black curly hair with dark blue glasses and a mole on his chin.

"I'm glad you'll have some extra money this week to grab lunch. Think of me when you scarf down that taco." I give him a wink and walk out the door.

"Did Ollie just wink at me?" I can practically hear him squeal.

I push my way through the crowd, trying to find the end of the hall. One sucky thing about this class is that another one lets out when ours does, and everyone just lingers in the hall like they have no other place to be.

Now what do I need to do today?

I need to study the material from class today, make sure I have it locked down and if I have any questions, I can ask next week. I would go back to my apartment and watch some TV, but Jasmine probably has her study group over and they can be pretty loud. My laundry is piling up even if I just did it only 2 days ago. I decided laundry is my top priority since this bra is cutting off my circulation, shit, it might be Jasmine's.

My stomach growls, but I could eat instead. Eating has to be more important than washing my bras and underwear.

Ok, eating it is.

There's the diner where I work and-

"Ollie, hey Ollie!" I turn around to see Jodi Crenshaw running in my direction full force. When she catches up to me, I see sweat glisten off her brown-skinned forehead. "Jesus, you walk really fast." Do I? My legs are fairly short. She fishes for something in her pocket, and a pink sparkly inhaler clutches between her lips.

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