Cuff me, I've been a bad girl!

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Gerald's P.O.V-

A few minutes before Gerald saw Ollie.

"You are such a liar, Emily."

"I'm not lying! When have I ever lied to you Gerald? Name a moment, hell, name a place I've ever lied to you."

"Berkeley Law Building, our current location." She hits my arms.

"I'm telling you Gerald, that man, our professor, is one of my patrons on OnlyFans."

I snicker, let's explain shall we?

So, as Emily and I walked into our Educational Psychology class, she gasped so loud I thought something was wrong with her. Turns out, she was gasping at our professor, who looked too young to be a professor. She yanked my arm and dragged me to the back of the classroom.

I asked her what the hell was wrong with her. She knows that I can't sit all the way in the back because my vision isn't good. I need to get glasses, my mother has been on me about it but I never listen. Anyway, back to the story. She claims that our professor is someone who subscribes to her OnlyFans, saying that his username is DirtyProfessor and it's a pic of him wearing what he's wearing right now, black tie, white shirt, and black dress pants. The only difference is that his cock was out in the photo and some clear stuff was leaking out the side of his mouth.

Now, back to the present.

"I know every single person who is a patron for me, hell, most of my patrons are here on this very campus! And he's one of them, god, he's going to notice me."

"Emily, when he said your name he looked at you like the rest of us, a student who is paying way too much for a class that has nothing to do with their major. And what if he did recognize you and brought it up, what would you say?"

She thinks about it for a minute, then, " I would die of embarrassment."

"Simple as that."

She laughs, holding onto my arm, "As simple as that."

I take my pencil bag that I'm still holding and put it in my bag by moving it to my front. "I just don't think a member of a prestigious academic college would participate in something so. . .indecent."

She gasps, "Are you calling me indecent?"

"Indeed," I say in my worst British accident. "But you are the best indecent person I've ever met."

She grins, "I'll accept it." We're currently headed to get something to eat, I'm starving to death, and Emily doesn't eat breakfast because she always wakes up late, so I know she's hungry-

"Wait, hold on a minute." She puts a hand on my arm, stopping us. Her eyes peek through the window of a classroom. A man stands by a desk, talking to a student about something. "That's my Russian Literature professor, he gave me a B on my paper when I deserved an A and I've been trying to talk to him. Here, hold my bag." She practically throws her Hello Kitty bag at me and rushes into the room.

Well, ok.

I turn to sit in the chair behind me to wait for her when I see a familiar figure standing at the end of the hall. Short stature, long black hair, and lips that can make a man cower to his knees.

She smiles.

I smile.

I say hi.

And she says hi.

Come, I usher her.

She comes.

What in the world is Ollie doing here? 

His Quarterback (College Life #3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat