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At Y/n's side, she envelop Inosuke with pink fire, It seems to work his hand twitch

As Tanjiro ran, he saw Inosuke came out of the train " Follow me, damn minions !"

" All right ! Explosive Awakening !"

" Inosuke! No corner of this train is safe anymore! The whole train has been taken over by a demon ! I repeat the whole train is a demon !" Inosuke fell into the hole he created,

' Beast Breathing,  Fifth Fang: Rip and Shred!'

Cut off the tentacules " I'll save every last one of y'all! I'll have you fall to your knees!" As he sprint to the tentacules and cut them off.

" I have to save the others! If Inosuke can hold down thefort here, I should go on ahead!"


The train being covered by the dmeon's flesh. Tanjiro enter the train as he saw tentacules about to attack the passengers, he managed to cut them off when one appeared suddenly. Tanjiro's eyes closes as he waited for the impact but nothing came so he opens his eyes and saw his girlfriend protect him from the tentacule. 

" Y/n! Babe! Are you okay?" Tanjiro asked as he cupped her head in his hands. Y/n look up at her boyfriend and hums happily . ^^

He smiled softly before looking in her eyes deeply " Y/n... Are you ready for this ? " The demon girl nodded as a approval.  " Okay! Let's go!" 

Y/n stand up taking her real form, veins popped out of her hands ready to attack so she begin to attck. Kick. Punch. Claws. But Then a sounf thunder was heard.

' A sound of Thunder, From one of the back, What's going on ? Is Zenitsu awake ? What about Rengoku? '

Then the train begin to shake resulting Tanjiro to lose his balance as well for Y/n. He was upside down with Y/n in his arms who managed to fit in.  ' What was that ? A demon attack ? ' Then Rengoku appeared in front of them. " Young Kamado! I was quite thorough with my bladework on my way here, so it should take the demon a while to regenerate. But there's no time to lose! I'll keep it short!"

" Right !" Tanjiro exclaimed as his beloved hummed " The train has eight cars in all. I'll protect the five in the rear.  The Boy of yellow will defend the remaining three. During all of this, You, your girlfriend and the Boar Head boy will search for the demon's head." 

" I'll search for it whil fighting as well! Show me how fired up you are!" He stand up but before vanishing he patted Y/n's head " Good job for protecting people ! " Y/n's eyes sparkle causing to Rengoku to chuckle and he vanished.

' I have to hurry!'

"Inosuke! Where are you Inosuke ?!"

" Shut up or I'll end ya!"

" Up there!" 

Tanjiro and Y/n was now on the roof heading to the first car. Then when Inosuke went to attack, the tentacules attacked him but luckily he was faster and he cut the tentacules. Unfortunately, a tentacule managed to grab a feet which distracted Inosuke and Tentacules went all over his upper body. Tanjiro and Y/n jumped and cut all the tentacules.

*A/N : I'm lazy so we're going to speed up*

' I have to wake up!' Tanjiro screamed in his mind about ta snapped his neck but his girlfriend kick his sword away and cupped his head making him look at her eyes.

" HMM! HMM!"

" Thank you baby! " He smiled they continued to fight not noticing the guard running to Inosuke with a knife in hands. 

" Inosuke!"

" Don't you dare get in the way of my dream!"

Tanjiro ran to Inosuke and went in front of him, trying to save him and closed his eyes waiting for the impact.Hearing a yelp, Tanjiro opened his eyes and saw his beloved girlfriend in  front of him protecting from the knife.

You could see the blood starting to flowing. " Y/N!" Tanjiro pushed brutally the man making him unconcious. " Are you okay ?" 

Then the train got deep making the demon slayers and demon flying. Inosuke went first and cut the flesh which covered the neck and Finally Tanjiro ' Father, please guide my blade!'

' Dance of the Fire God! Azure Heaven!'

Tanjiro cut Enmu's neck making the train go crazy and everyone fall over. Tanjiro held Y/n in his arms as they roll. 

" Are you okay Santaro, Y/W/N?"( your wrong name)

Tanjiro looked down to see his darlin sleeping he looked the wound as it healed itself. He breath in relief, Then he saw Rengoku running to him " Are you okay ? You did a good job cutting the neck. And your girlfriend is she injured ? "

Tanjiro smiled sadly " Yeah...she's got stabbed but now I think she's okay.." Tanjiro explained as he hugged you tighter.

Rengoku smiled softly and patted your head "everyone else is safe ! Lots of injuries but no one's life is in danger. So don't strain yourself, Take it easy and rest up "

" Thank you"

Suddenly great strength was felt, the two demon slayers looked at the fog and saw something glowing. A shadowy figure was seen

' Upper Moon Three'

 then he went to punched Tanjiro and Y/n. But Rengoku cut his hand.

" Now why would someone as powerful as you attack the wounded ?  " 

" I thought she might interrup the little chit-chat that we're about to have"

" You're a Hashira, aren't you ? Your fighting spirit has been honed to the hilt, I'ts colde to the edge of perfection."

" I'm the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro"

" I'm akaza" my sugar dad-..sorry

" Becoem a demon, Kyojuro" His voice I can heard him ...

' Of all the dmeons I've come acroos, this one smells the most like Kibutsuji!  I have to help fight him but I can't leave Y/n alone..'

" No matter the reason, I will not become a demon!"

" I see .."

" Technique Development "

" Destructive Death! Compass Needle!"

𒀭𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓻𝓸'𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𒀭  ︴ 【たんじろうの鬼】Where stories live. Discover now