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' I have to cut my own neck !'

Then Tanjiro woke up screaming, grabbing his neck to make sure it wasn't cut. " It's okay, I'm alive" he said out loud

A little y/n was looking at him in suprise, then Tanjiro looked behind him and saw his girlfriend "Y/n, are you okay ?" the demon nodded holding her head " I'm so glad, babe!" but remember his other friends. He looked around, saw kids sleeping near them with ropes tied to their wrists" Who are theses people? They're all tied to the others with ropes" 

'Ropes ?'

Tanjiro looked at his wrist to see a burnt rope ' What is this ? It's burned off, Y/n's burning blood did it ?  It's faint but I'm picking up a dmeon's scent, too!'

Then Tanjiro smell it 'This scent... The ticket ! I knew it. It's givbing off the same scent. We were put to sleep when our tickets were punched. A dmeon must be behind this!' 

' Did he unleash such a strong Blood Art with just this faint scent ?'

' I don't know why, but...I have a feeling that I shouldn't sever this rope with my sun Blade.'

He told Y/n to burn the ropes, so Y/n do it. Then Tanjiro shakes his two friends in vain but ineffective. When Y/n finished, she came behind her lover and hummed for some pat. 

"  Good girl, darling. I'm sorry okay? Thanks You did a great job, babe." he said as he pat her head. He watched her, closing her eyes as she leaned on his touch.

Then he looked around, ' It didn't work, They're still asleep. What should I do?'

There was a slience, when Tanjiro was still looking at his friends when he turned around " Rengoku-s.." but was cut by a girl trying to swing a needle on him. Luckily he managed to dodge with Y/n in his arms. 

" What are you doing ? " ' Is a demon controlling her ?'

" Get out of our way! We won't get to have our dreams just because of you  guys!" She screams and a other girl came beside her. ' Is she acting on her own ?' Soon a guy came. ' This guy, too?'

" What do you think you're doing ?" the same girl screams at a boy who was still sitting, trying to not get noticed. " If you're awake, you'd better help us out! You may have Tuberculosis or whatever but if you don't help out, I'll go tell him and he won't shown you any dreams, y'hear me ?"

'Is the one who was connected to me ? She said he has Tuberculosis. How awful'

Then Tanjiro apologized for his next move,  he moved so fast that they didn't have time to react but too late Tanjiro alreadymade them unconcious by hitting their neck. " You want to stay inside a happy dream, don't you? I get it. I wanted to stay inside mine too" You could see sadness in Tanjiro's eyes. Y/n, his future wife, felt his sadness so she walked to him and pulled him into a hug. His eyes widened as he hug back, he looked at her as she looked into his eyes lovingly.

' If only this was the dream'

Then Tanjiro went outside, and immediately cover his nose, 'The scent is too strong!It's the demon His scent overpowering even in this strong wind!'

' How did I manage to sleep through it? Even if each car was closed off and airtight, it's unbelievable!'

'The dmeon is upwind'

Then Tanjiro jumped and grabbed the top of the train and made a slip to be on the roof, he saw Y/n walked out " It's dangerous, N/n! Stay here and wait for me! Go wake everyone up!"

Y/n looked at him unsure and worried but she was sure that she would be desobient because she had to protect him at all cost.

Tanjiro ran, but soon stopped to see a figure standing on the roof. " What's this ? Awake already ?" 

" Morning !" Enmu 

'Lower moon 1 '

said as he waved " You could've stay in a bit longer !"

' It was him!'

" Why are you awake, anyway ? Did I not show you the sweetest dream ?  I could've shown you a dream where your family was being slaughtered"

" Would you have liked that one better ? No, of course not. Much too distressing, right ?"

" Alright, how about this ? " He chuckled " Xhy don't I show you a dream where your father comes back to life ? " Tanjiro's hands tighted around his sword, veins appeared on his jawline and look at Enmu with dead eyes. Then Tanjiro snapped...

"  INTRUDING ON ONE'S SOUL IS SOMETHING I WON'T ALLOW ! I won't let you get away with this ! "

Water Breathing, Tenth Form:  The wheel of Life

Then Tanjiro ran forward quickly, when Enmu put a spell on him but Didn't work. So Tanjiro swinf his sword at Enmu, the demon dodged. Then again and again , Tanjiro wakes up everytime immediately as he swings his sword.  But the last one was...

* The dream*

In a house, you could hear a child cry, Tanjiro standing in front of his youngest sibling" Why didn't you save us ?" Tanjiro was still unresponding, with his eyes widened so Takeo pushing him aside angry" Where the hell were you when were being murdered ? " Tanjiro sensed a presence behind me and someone tugged his sleeve. His sister, Hanako"Why were you the only one to survive ?"


The scene changed, now Tanjiro was kneeled beside his father before he recieved a bowl on his face " What do you think you were here for ? You are so useless!"


 Now, Tanjiro was standing with dead bodies at his feet. Crack His mother was behind him holding his younger sibling and his sister, Nezuko beside her. He turned around " You're the one who should've died. How dare you go on living without a care." " You're the baddiest brother " Nezuko said with venom. Tanjiro's eyes widened with anger.



" How dare you insult their memory!"  Tanjiro jumped as high as he can and swing his sword straigh to Enmu's neck and successfully cut his neck. His corpse collapsed in front of Tanjiro as he glared but he looked at the head noticing that it didn't turned in ashes. 

    'That was way too easy. Is it possible that this is a dream ? Or was this demon ( rui) just weaker than him ?'

" I think I get it now, I see why Master ordered me to dispose of you along with the Hashira." Enmu exclaimed as his body melted and formed into a grostesque creature ' He still alive !'

" Oh, your expression is amazing " You're wondering why I'm not dead even after you decapitated me, aren't you ?  It's so simple event an infant would understand. It's because that thing over there was not my main body. While you were sleeping, I fused my being with this entire train ! " Enmu explained 

" In other words, over two hundred passengers on this train, have all become food that will strengthen my body as well as my hostages !" He added as he disapeared. Tanjiro screamed the names of his comrades and his beloved

 " Protect the people who are asleep !"

𒀭𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓻𝓸'𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𒀭  ︴ 【たんじろうの鬼】Where stories live. Discover now