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" Destructive Death ! Compass Needle !"

* I'm not good at describing fights*

Rengoku put himself in a fighting stand. " I guess I'll just have to kill you then " Then Akaza ran at full speed toward Rengoku and he blocked his attack with one of his forms. 

' I can't even follow their movements!'

" There were never any Flames among all the Hashira I've killed so far. None of them ever took me up on my offer, either."

Rengoku swings his sword and cut Akaza's hand whe it was about to him but it regenerates quickly " Die for me, Kyojuro. Die while you're young and strong!" Angrily, Rengoku swings his sword unlucky Akaza dodged and jumped in aire " Destructive Death. Air Type!" Akaza form his punch but nothing came. Suddenly Rengoku felt a great strong attack his sword. 

Then Akaza punch in the air many times, and Rengoku used one of his forms to block the attack and the demon  went back to the floor. Rengoku take this chance to attack Akaza and swing his sword but unfortunately Akaza dodge. Now, they both were swinging sword and punching each other. 

Tanjiro felt Y/n move so he looked down and saw (e/c) eyes slowly open, " Are you okay, babe ? Are you hurt ? " Y/n shake her head and hums. " Good." Tanjiro hugged her and put his head in her neck. ' I was so scared..'

Unluckly, Akaza managed to punch Rengoku on his head making the blood spill out. Tanjiro and Inosuke was amazed by their moves, Y/n was also watching. " Rengoku.-san..." This time Akaza hit Rengoku's abdomen, but he quickly recovered.

 Akaza's punch was blocked by the sword but went through and hit Rengoku's left eye. 

" Destructive Death. Disorder!"

" Fifth form Blazing Tiger!"

Akaza punch Rengoku but he dodge and cut his arm. Akaza stepped back leaving Rengoku. " Did he do it ? Did he win ?" But blood  started flowing out of his body. Tanjiro's eyes widened as Y/n quickly vanished into the forest " Y/n!"

Rengoku breathes heavily, ' Don't tell me..No way ! ' 

" Let's fight once more, Don't die on me , Kyojuro."


" Because I will see my duty fulfilled! No one shall die here! Not on my watch!"

Akaza smirked, " You have to become a demon, Kyojuro !"

' Set your heart ablaze! Go beyong your limits!'

" I am the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro!"

" Flame Breathing; Ninth Form, Rengoku!"

" Destructive Death, Annihilation Type!"

Then both of them, Ran forward to attack the other.

' Where is Y/n ?  She suddenly ran away into the forest' 

Then dust flew around everyone, as everyone covered their eyes but soon they heard a crash onto the train. The dust settled down as Tanjiro saw his  girlfriend kicked Akaza, saving Rengoku for taking a fatal blow. But then the sun started rising as Upper Moon 3 tried to run away from Y/n's grip but unfortanely he got away. Tanjiro looked back to the Flame Hashira to see him unconcious laying on the ground.

" Rengoku-san!"

 ' Wait, the sun!'


The two demon slayers went to check on Rengoku, luckily he was still alive but unconcious. They waited to the kakushi to come and take them to the Butterfly Estate and heal them.

𒀭𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓻𝓸'𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𒀭  ︴ 【たんじろうの鬼】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora