chapter 36// stiles

135 5 0

word count: 606

y/n's pov

I had been going out with another teenager around my age, his name was Stiles.

I giggled excitedly as I put on an extra coat of lipgloss before grabbing my handbag.
I slightly jumped at the sound of the doorbell ringing, and I eagerly raced down the stairs to get it but my stubborn father was certain to meet this mysterious boy.

"Hello mr. y/l/n." Stiles said politely with a small wave as my father tossed out his hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Stiles." He said while holding a visibly firm grip on Stiles' hand, his knuckles turning pale white before I quickly broke it up.

"Well, uhm dad." I said while brushing off his hand.
"Me and Stiles don't wanna be late so..." I trailed off while stepping next to Stiles outside the door.

"You got a car?" My father asked to which Stiles responded with a yep, gesturing to his jeep behind us.

My father nodded with an impressed look on his face.
"Nice colour." He said slightly sarcastically.

"Yeah, it was my mother's before she had, passed." Stiles said sadly, making my father turn a deep shade of red from embarrassment.

"Oh- I'm so sorry-"
"Don't even worry about it." Stiles said before taking my hand in his.

"Well it was nice to meet you, sir." Stiles sighed while swinging my hand.
"Likewise, you too have fun." My dad called out before closing the front door.

That night me and Stiles went to a nearby restaurant which completely overcharged us, and after much begging Stiles still ended up paying for the bill.

I grinned lightly to myself while staring out of the window while Stiles drove, sneakily I grabbed a hundred dollar note out of my purse, crunching it silently in my hands.

The meal was around one hundred dollars, and since Stiles wouldn't even let me pay half I may as well pay the whole. Unknown to him he'd be the one getting a free meal.

"Thank you so much Stiles." I grinned as I leaned over the armrest and kissed him deeply, mostly to distract him as I dropped the hundred in his coin compartment before pulling away.

"When can I see you next?" Stiles asked eagerly.
"Maybe next week? Text me anytime." I grinned cheerily before waving lightly as I ran into my house thinking about the best first date I had.

"Ready to go?" Stiles asked as he turned on the engine ready to drive us to our fourth date together.

"Absolutely." I said in a smiley tone as I buckled up my seatbelt.
Stiles steadily drove the whole way before parking outside a movie cinema, stopping me before I could leave.

"Y/n, I have a question to ask you." He said making me stop dead in my tracts, worried if i'd done anything wrong. "Yeah what's up?" I asked innocently, sinking back into my chair.

"Well, I don't think 200 dollars randomly finds its way into my car when I coincidentally start dating you."

"Well lucky you." I said sarcastically while getting prepared to unbuckle my seatbelt but was soon stopped by Stiles.

"No y/n, our dates didn't even cost this much added up!"

"Sorry but I don't take money from people." I smiled cheekily before quickly getting out of the car.

"But seriously," Stiles said quickly exiting his car and resting his arm over my shoulder.
"Enough of that, I pay for the dates." He demanded.

"Ok mr, stilinski." I said in a joking tone as we walked through to grab our popcorn.

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