chapter 3// dylan

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y/n's pov

i laid on the living room couch, waiting for dylan to come home after filming his new movie american assassin.

i'd cleaned the whole house and made dinner, impatiently expecting a knock on the door from him while i was watching trailers of his new movie.

a sudden ding from my phone made me jump slightly.

I reached over to my phone on the coffee table, opening a text from dylan.

mr. ohbryehn

y/n i had to cancel my flight, they need me back at work to film any extra scenes. i'm so sorry it was such short notice, i'll be home in a few days :(

i chuckled lightly at his cuteness, but coming to the realisation that we wouldn't be coming home yet made tears form in my eyes.

i became sighed his message, he was always out for work.
And the one time i decided to do something nice he had to cancel on me, perfect.

I sighed before turning my phone off.
i walked over to our bedroom, grabbing one of his hoodies before laying back down on the couch. Continuing to watch trailers and other movies he's been in, just to see his face.

While watching the death cure at around 4am i began feeling tired, my eyelids feeling droopy and heavy by the second.

I finally caved in, admitting to myself that there was no point in waiting since dylan wouldn't be home, and fell asleep.

skip 16 days later

dylan's pov

"y/n! i'm home!" i yelled out through our house, but there was no response.
My phone had been on airplane mode this entire time.

I quickly turned it off and a large number of texts began sounding in, all from y/n.

dylan how long does it take for a few scenes?
dylll it's been longer than a few days
hey when are you done filming? i miss you:((

along with a lot more, all progressively getting more sadder.
I quickly called her, luckily she instantly picked up.

"Dylan?" She asked surprised.
"I thought you left." She gasped over the phone.

"Y/n, i'm sorry it took longer than expected i-" I was suddenly cut off by her voice.

"Dyl i'm sorry, it's just not working out anymore. your always out working, your never home with me." She said with a stuffy voice, she'd clearly been crying.

"No, no y/n please, where are you?" I asked panicked.

"I'm staying at (y/f/n) for now, i'm sorry." She sighed before hanging up.
Determined, i quickly grabbed my keys again, running to the car.

I didn't care if i was jetlagged, i needed to talk to her.

I pulled into the driveway of her friends house, knocking on the door.
The sound of girls voices and pattering vibrated through the house, until she opened the door.

"Dyl..." She trailed off but i quickly cut off.

"Y/n come on, you can't break up with me over the phone." I said softly cupping her cheeks with my hands, they were still wet from crying.

"I know," She began sobbing again.
"I really do love you, it's just not working out anymore." She said as i pulled her into my chest.
"Y-your never home anymore, your always working and you never get to spend any time with me." She sighed, i quickly dropped my hands from her, stumbling back.

dylan obrien character imagines // x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt