chapter 15// dylan

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word count: 803

y/n's pov

I stared at him in disbelief, tears flowing to my eyes.

"After all these years you want to just end us?" I asked in a surprised yet hurt tone.
His head was sealed down, almost in shame as he couldn't bare to look at me.

"What, did you cheat on me? What's with the sudden change? Yesterday you were completely in love with me and now you can't even look at me?!" I yelled in anger and confusion.

"Look y/n, don't make it harder than it already is." Dylan said sternly yet calmly.

"No it is hard, i've done everything for you. I've been with you since you've been making your youtube videos until now and you just expect me to let you go so easily without being hurt?"

He scoffed while standing up, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he didn't even stop to say anything.

"Listen it's better for us both this way." He said while tossing a jacket over his shoulder, exiting the house.

I dug myself into the corner that seemed the furthest away from everything, lowering myself to the ground with tears streaming down my face.

what had i ever done wrong to him?


I had booked a role as Teresa in the maze runner, i was overjoyed as acting had always been my dream. But dylan had been the actor in our relationship, he stated he didn't want to date another actor for personal reasons, so he held me back then blew me off.

I sighed in disbelief and pride of myself as I glared at the plaque on my trailer, my name engraved on the golden contents.

"Congrats, your here too." A familiar voice shook from behind me, I felt myself stumble back in disbelief as I turned to come eye to eye with the one and only Dylan O'brien, except it wasn't a good appearance for me unlike most girls. This was my ex I was talking about, and he was being showered with success.

"You." I muttered to myself.

"So your playing Teresa" He asked nervously.

"Yes, and?" I asked obnoxiously.
"Great, it'll be just like old times." He said sarcastically while walking off.

I was left standing outside my trailer in confusion.
I decided to let my mind wander by revising my lines, I planted myself deeply into the couch whole going over the script and.... WHAT

Dylan was playing Thomas, my love interest.
That was what he meant earlier.

Of course he has to be the main character, he takes the spotlight of everything and takes everyone else's attention.

I scoffed in disbelief, i bet he did this purposely to annoy me.


"Alright and kiss!" The director yelled as the camera followed us two, I decided to be mature and get over it, I leaned forward ready, prepared for the moment i dreaded most.

But to my embarrassment, Dylan had cut the scene.
"I'm sorry I can't do it!" He yelled back to Wes before walking off, he seemed more apologetic to the director than for humiliating me.

I scoffed at his childish behaviour while making my way back to my trailer to.

As i entered the door i slumped over the couch, exhausted from long hours of filming and to top it off my ex humiliating me in front of the whole set.

But suddenly a few knocks sounded at my door, I reluctantly walked up and opened it, expecting a yell from Wes for walking off but to my surprise it was Dylan.

"Y/n i'm sorry just listen." He said while panting, i could tell a whole rant was about to escape so i nodded firmly.

"I acted like an idiot back there i'll admit, but it reminded me of the same behaviour I displayed on the night we broke up, three years ago. And i'll tell you it was the biggest mistake ever, letting the most important part of my life go and i still have no idea why i did it to this day. I know you shouldn't let me back in your life because at any moment you might get the idea i'd do the same thing of just- leaving you randomly. But i'm telling you i'm ready and i just needed the wake up call, and seeing you reminded me of the biggest mistake i ever made and how much i loved you. Seeing you again made me remember why i fell in love with you in the first place!" He blurted this all out, desperately trying to catch his breath.

"Dylan-" I said before cutting myself off, grabbing him gently by the cheeks and kissing him with raw passion, i missed this man so much, and i'd finally have my Dylan back.

dylan obrien character imagines // x readerWhere stories live. Discover now