chapter 1 // stuart twombly

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Word count: 1201

y/n's pov

i sat in a row piled with people, all determined to become interns at google.

After being told to divide into groups i removed my phone from my pocket, doing anything with to cure my boredom.

After a few minutes i noticed the room began getting progressively quieter, my peripheral vision slowly losing sight of people, suddenly a forced cough came from my right.

I reluctantly lowered my phone, standing next to me were two middle aged men.
"H-hi i'm Billy, this is Nick." The taller one said awkwardly pointing to his blonde friend.

I slightly grinned in response before turning back to my phone.
Weren't they too old to be interns?

After a few minutes of chattering slowly decreasing a sudden yell erupted in the room- "Whattup, team Lyle!" A voice hollered through the room, with high fives sounding around the place after a while, i crammed my phone back in my pocket when 'Lyle' took out his hand for me to shake.

"Yo what's up i'm Lyle." He said in a forced tone, i shook his hand before inspecting the rest of the team.

There was only one other girl, a boy with unusually thin eyebrows, the middle aged men, Lyle, and a boy in a navy blue beanie focused on his phone.
"Let's get a team meet guys!" Lyle yelled to us all breaking my stares at everyone.

We followed him to a glass office where beanie boy sat on a maroon couch, me sitting opposite him on the couch, Billy and Nick sat in stools in front of him, the girl sitting on a bookcase, eyebrows on a singular couch and Lyle, standing up in front of us all making an impression.

"So i'm Lyle and it's pretty much wysiwyg what you see is what you get." Lyle continued to rant on about himself and talk in third person before beanie boy spoke up.

"Yeah uh, is Lyle always gonna be referring to himself in third person, because if he is i might want to punch Lyle in the face." He asked in a snobby tone.

He must've noticed me staring when he quickly turned his head to face me and smirked before sending me a quick wink, instantly turning back to his phone, too quick for anyone else to notice it.

"Ok... good note." Lyle chuckled it off awkwardly.
"Lyles still a little nervous," He made a static sound to correct himself, "Lyle is still a first time manager, Lyles a first time-," He quickly cut himself off noticing his nervousness. "Ok i'm gonna stop doing that, keep it to first and second person," He clapped his hands together before cheering- "Who's next!"

After sighing, the boy with thin eyebrows stood up to introduce himself. Only then did I notice how long and perfect his hair was, i was staring at his hair the entire time he was introducing himself.
The sound of him speaking passing through my mind blankly, I could feel stares coming behind me before I decided to look away, hopefully i didn't make it to noticeable.

I noticed the subject about Yo Yo being homeschooled by his mother, somehow leading to an argument about breast milk.
I looked to the other girl in concern while all the other boys ranted on about whether or not breast milk affects a persons i.q

She shrugged at me, just as confused as i was.
The beanie kid spoke up with a website source prepared on his phone, reading the information out loud before Billy tried to call bs on him.
"Oh yeah, i'm Stuart." He finally introduced himself before casually continuing to argue with Nick.

"Woah where is all of this hostility coming from guys?" Billy asked after receiving harsh judgement from the team.
"Where do you think it's coming from you big tree? Two fifths of our team are old guys who don't know shit." Stuart said sternly, he was honest but didn't make it in any way kind.

"Okay guys, I for one am very happy to have two, strapping mature gentlemen on the team." The girl sighed standing up from the cupboard she was perched over.

"Oh i'm Neha Patel, and oh my god you guys would make the best Luke and Han." Neha said fangirling over a star wars cosplay, immediately got the reference.

"Oh my good you watch star wars?" I asked open mouthed. "Yesss." She chuckled.
"You right! They would make awesome cosplayers." I gasped staring at the two.

"Cosplay...?" Nick asked clearly confused.
"Costume play!" Me and Neha said at the same time

"People dress up as their favourite anime or movie character," You could tell Neha was about to go on a whole rant.
"I'd be slave girl Leia, yeahh. Metal bikini top, metal g-string panty, high heeled leather boots. I'm chained at the neck, not too constricted, but just enough to make things interesting."

She definitely knew her outfit too well.
"Oh but work wise, your skills aren't really relevant here. Or even in this millennium, so stay out of our way, we'll do this shit on our own." Neha said oddly happily, I took it as an opportunity to introduce myself when the silence came after her last sentence

"Uh, I'm (y/n)" I said awkwardly with a small wave, a short silence started again when Nick thankfully began to spoke.
"Well i'm loving this friction, you know why? Because that's how you get a fire started. I'm Nick, this is my pal Billy and despite what you think we're here just like the rest of you ready to run down our dream."

"Alright!" Lyle said with a clap, "Team Lyle!"
"Okey doke," Lyle said trying to play off his previous sentence which consisted of him chanting team Lyle and nobody joining in...
"Our translate lecture is in 15 minutes." He said before letting us go.

Once I was away from everyone i went down to the free cafe, ordering a coffee to prepare myself for quite a bit of work.
I stood beside the counter, waiting for them to prepare my drink while staring at my phone.

I noticed someone approaching the counter next to me, plucking an apple off the fruit basket and taking a bite.

He turned his head in my direction, shooting me a friendly smile. His grin almost instantly disappeared once he turned his head back to face the barista, also ordering a coffee.

Once he finished his order he turned back to me, "so y/n right?" He asked trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah," i responded awkwardly, what other thing could i respond with.
"It's a shame we've got two older dudes in our group." He said.
"They'll probably just hold us back."

"Yeah, i can tell you don't really like them." I said as he chuckled, he didn't seem that nice to anyone else.

"But to be fair i don't really like anyone." He chuckled back.
"You seem fairly decent to me."

"That's because i like you." He said before grabbing his coffee, winking before walking off.

maybe he's not that bad when you get to know him?

dylan obrien character imagines // x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ