chapter 22// thomas

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a/n: i just got tmr books and i'm rlly excited, so the first part is kinda based off the books with thomas chilling in the shaft for like a good half an hour and he does remember his name.

word count: 754

y/n's pov

It felt like i had been sitting there for hours.
I was sitting there, my skin softening against the metal patterns of the cage i was stuck in.

I removed my hand from the metal floor to reveal red marks pressed up against it, when would the cage start moving up the shaft.

In reality it'd only been around half an hour, but my hyperventilating and panicked state made every moment seem longer.
I panted as i dabbed my hand against my forehead, swiping off the sweat built up on my glands.

Suddenly, the cage began emerging.
It was slowly increasing its speed up the creaky shaft, it's pace becoming more and more unsturdy as the large stone doors at the top of the shaft began cracking apart, revealing a small crack of sunlight which spilled through the whole cage.

I shielded my eyes from the sunlight, blinking rapidly to adjust myself to the new environment.

I heard a large amount of chatter from deep male voices coming from above me, what could i remember. The thought raced through my mind in case they were going to interrogate me.

god why can't i think of anything
I groaned pathetically as i desperately tried to think, remember something about myself.

That's when it hit me, y/n. My name- being called down to me from a voice in the cage.
Confused, i looked up to see a tall, dirty blonde boy with his arm outstretched to me.

"It's me, Newt." He said as i stared back blankly, unable to identify him.

"Your brother." He said justifying my possible choices to who he could be.


A few days later a new greenie came in, Chuck was settling him into his hammock while I was off working with Frypan in the kitchen.

His radio playing soft music as we danced while chopping up garnishes and cleaning the dishes.

"Alright y/n," Fry chuckled while switching off the radio, interrupting my moves.
"Can you set up the table please? Thanks." He said not giving me an option to say no.

I groaned while grabbing a stack of plates, setting them all along the tables.
I knew how many plates went to how many tables, since I knew who everyone's group was and where they all sat.

"Hey Fry where's the new greenie gonna sit?" I asked not turning my head.
"Oh uh, check the cabinet for a spare bowl, he'll probably sit next to chuck." Fry said making me nod my head before setting another bowl down next to Chucks regular.

"Oh also can you go ask Newt if there's anything in the box, maybe we'll get some new supplies!" Fry said excitedly as I made an oooh sound.

We did need a few new things like cutting boards and knives, just as I approached Newt he made a satisfied ah, sound.

"Just the person i needed." He said while turning to face Thomas.
"This is my sister y/n, she works in the kitchen." Newt introduced me to Thomas, he kept throwing glances at me, constantly staring at my face. But all the guys were like that, but Newt made sure not to let any of them get me.

"the whole glade is filled with guys dying to be with the only gril they can remember, you can't leave my side because any chance they'll get they will try and get you."
The memory of Newt trying to protect me made me shudder, but he was second in command. Nobody dared to try and get with me.

"So she's your sister?" Thomas asked, clearly not paying attention to anything else Newt was saying, like me. You could tell from the anxiousness in his voice that he thought the one thing every other boy in this glade thought.

How the hell am i supposed to get with the second in commands daughter?!

a/n: there will be a part 2 but i'm trying to binge the whole how i met your mother since their removing it from netflix in january 😭
and i haven't been updating as much so here's some bait
also i just heard Da_Vinky_Potato burp the whole alphabet and i'm veryyy impressed. Go read her dnf story the future kisses!

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