Part 25

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I was sitting on Cameron's bed watching Netflix on my Ipad when Nash walked in.

"Are you ok?" He asked sitting next to me

"Why wouldn't I be" I ask

"Well the stuff with you mom and Trey..."

"My mom is upsetting, but as for Trey he'll get over it and it will be all good." I say plainly. There was a pause

"Cameron didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I ask

"He was going Indiana...With Kayla..."

" I'm staying with you for 3 day's?" Nash didn't reply. He can NOT make me go back to Indiana I have everything I need here. "Am I?" 

"You will be going back for a while...." nash said looking at the ground

"How long?"

"I don't know.... a couple years maybe"

"You can't make me and Trey move!"

"Trey isn't technically moving..." Nash said now looking me in the eye

" guy's are kicking me out?" I whisper

"No it's not like that it's just that-" nash started but I cut him off

"It's ok...I understand....Can I go home now?...well back to my old apartment?" I say trying not to cry

"Kate I don't know how to say this but....Trey and Kayla were on there way to Indiana and the plane had some kind of technical difficulty and crashed..." Nash said looking at the floor again.

"Are they ok?!"


"What hospital are they at?"

"The one in the sky...."

No...No....My mom dies and a year later my brother and sister die. On the same day. And once again it was my fault. I should have just kept my mouth shut and Trey and Kayla wouldn't have went so soon. Now another thing Brandon can blame me for.

"It's my fault, Nash..." I whisper in tears

"no it's not Kate, don't say that"

"Yes it is!" I scream falling to the ground. He try's to pull me into a hug but I don't let him, I just lay there crying. I hear the door open, Cam knelt by my side, and Nash left.

"Hey, it's ok." He whispers in my ear trying to pick me up but I don't let him

"No. it's not, I killed my mom and not my sibling's" I sitting up. I lean against his shoulder and he wraps me in a hug.

"You didn't kill them, Kate."

"They were both mad at me...Can I be alone?" I ask. He nods and leaves closing the door behind him.


I walk back down stairs where Nash and Hayes are talking.

"Is she ok?" Hayes asks concerned

"Yeah she said she wanted to be alone" i say sitting next to Nash on the couch

"hand me that paper on the table will ya?" Hayes asked. Nash handed him the paper and flinched in pain.

"Ow! I got a paper cut!" Nash said looking at his hand.


Oh my god Kate. 

I jumped up off the couch and ran upstairs to my room. I didn't see Kate. My bathroom door was closed, I run to it and jiggle the knob.

"Just a sec!" Kate yells threw the door

"Kate are you ok?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I here the bath tube running

"Kate. ARE YOU OK!" I yell trying to open the door. no answer. "KATE!"

I ran to my side table, and get the key from the drawer. I open the door to see no Kate.


I was scared ok? When I heard Cam leave from the door I unlock, relocked, and hid under his bed. When he want into the bathroom I ran across the hall to Nash's room, I went to his closet, climbed to the top shelf, and hid in the back corner.

I hear the door to Nash's room fly open, I slouch deeper into the corner.

"What bro?!" nash yelled

"I can't find Kate!" a faded voice yelled back, It was Cameron.

"What?!" Nash yells running out of his room. I sigh of relief and leaned back. I few minutes later the closet door opened.

Oh my god.

Brandon stood in the doorway of the closet, looking around then closed the door again. I sigh and scoot up making a book drop to the floor. The door then again opens, this time he's looking right at me.

"Kate, it's ok" Brandon says coming closer

"Please get away" I scoot back in fear

"It's ok its just me, Brandon" He says putting his hand out for me to grab it. I don't reply "Come down from there please" I just tighten into a smaller ball.

"No" I whisper

"What will it take to get you down from there?"

"One Espinosa, and one Mendes." I say, but He just looks at me confused the leaves.

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