The Letter

36 6 16

Third Person POV*

I glance expectedly at the door, hoping she will come. It has been three weeks since I saw her. I am worried. I really hope she is okay.

"Honey," I hear my husband's voice.

"Hmm," I hum in reply, and he hands me a letter.

"You forgot about this," He says, handing me the letter. Oh right, she came three weeks ago and gave me this letter with a kind smile. That was the first time I saw her smile. Her eyes looked alive and lit up. She was happy, and I was so glad. She asked me to read this letter, and I completely forgot.

"Let's close for the day," I inform my husband. He nods and changes the sign to closed. I take a brownie and a cup of hot chocolate and sit down to read the letter.

'Hi, Mam,

I have been visiting your shop for the past year and ordered the same thing every day. After two months, you had my order ready even before I came and always served me with a kind smile. Your smile brightened up my day, but I was too lost in my world to realize it. Your smile and kind gestures gave me hope. Even though I felt empty inside, your brownies and coffee made my day better. I am sorry for not realizing it sooner.

Your eyes always had love, and you always worried about me, just like a real grandmother. Thank you. You said to me one day, remember?

That the pain in my eyes right now will light up with joy one day. That day, I will thank God to be alive.

It happened. I met HIM, and my life changed. I was happy. My eyes lit up with joy. That day, I thanked God for keeping me alive. He is an amazing person. I met him outside your cafe, and I thought he escaped from the mental hospital by the way he acted,' I laugh at the part and continue reading,

'But he turned out to be the person who saved me. He made me smile again. I saw my family, the love of my life and my best friend die in an accident, and from that day, I lost the ability to feel emotions.

It was my 18th birthday, and my best friend planned a birthday party for my twin sister Kate and me. My parents got caught up at work, and they were a little late. I surprised my sister by flying her boyfriend, who lived in another state. The flight got delayed due to the snow, and I informed her.

She was adamant about meeting him at the airport because she had not seen him for eight months, and I asked my best friend Ava to drive her to the airport. They got into the car, within the blink of an eye, another vehicle collided with them. It got out of control due to the snow. I was standing there at the porch, witnessing the whole scene.

Before anyone could do anything, both the cars caught on fire, but it was too late. I later came to know that it was my parent's car. That day, I saw my family burning to their deaths right in front of my eyes. It was supposed to be a day full of smiles and laughter, but it turned into a day of mourning,'

I keep the letter down, silent tears streaming down my face. Poor child, she was all alone. She had no one to share her sadness with or even grieve. My husband rubs my shoulder in comfort, and I give him a thankful smile. I wipe my tears and pick up the letter.

'I lost everything that day, including my emotions. I could not even cry during their funeral. I tried to kill myself, but each time I was saved. Me being alive was for a purpose, and that was to meet him. He made me feel emotions again. He made me want to live again.

I am going back with him to his hometown. I love him, not romantically, but like a brother. My life is good when I am with him. It was so sudden. I accidentally blurted out that I wanted to move in with him, and he agreed. I was so happy. So, I will be leaving this place next week. I wanted to write this letter to show how thankful I am for you. Thank you. I will come by tomorrow to meet you and say my final goodbye. I am so glad I met you. I hope you and your family stay together always. I will miss you. Take care.




I am so glad. I am so happy for her. Thank you, God. I hope that both of them live a happy life, filled with joy and laughter. Please keep them safe. Let them live a long life. I was so happy that she came to the cafe every day. I am glad I got to see her happy. I will miss her. Please protect them.

I wipe my tears, glad that she found somebody who made her happy.

"Come on, let's go home," My husband smiles.

Third Person POV*

It has been five years since I lost my cousin. Time sure flies by fast. I miss his goofy self. He made my days brighter. He always made me smile after a hard day at the hospital. I miss him so much, but I am glad he spent his last days with his friends. He never stopped talking about her, and I thought he fell in love. But they were just really close.

I grab the flowers and enter the cemetery. The weather is so pleasant, and the wind is so calm. It will be spring soon, and the ice is slowly melting. I walk some more and stop in front of the graves.

Here lies Andrew Parker

(9 December 2003 to 8 December 2020)

Here lies Kiara Tennyson

(1 December 2001 to 8 December 2020)

The heart monitor alerted us, and I rushed in only to find the both of them lying down on the hospital bed, cold and with a smile on their faces. She was lying on his chest, her hands holding his and with a tear-stained face. I checked for her pulse. Nothing. She died holding my brother's hand and with a smile on her face.

She died due to a heart attack caused by shock. She could not accept that Andrew died, and she didn't want to live without him. I started crying, not able to handle the grief. I was so angry that this happened to them. But I couldn't change a thing.

We did a background check on her and found that she lost her family in an accident, and she was all alone. He was her hope to keep on living, but when she lost that hope, she didn't find any other reason to keep living. She gave in to her death willingly. She was happy to die. She was happy because she could be with him.

I feel the weight of hands on both sides of my shoulders, and I turn to find my brother and her smiling warmly at me. They smile at each other, and they slowly start fading, waving me a final goodbye, they completely fade away.

My knees give out, and I start sobbing in front of their graves. I thank God for letting me see them smiling one last time.

They are happy, and that is enough. That is enough. 

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