Chapter 20

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They all first went to the library, but Tecna realized that she didn't deactivate the chip, so after doing that, they decided to move Flor to the training room., it was a place that always made her calm down.

Tecna and Bloom were getting her parents so they could put off the magical bracelet.

"Florance?" Her mother looked mad while walking in. "Why are you wedding?!"

"It's time to go back!" Her father followed. "Everyone is waiting there for you!"

"I'm not marrying KJ..." Flora said. The Winx were watching from a couple of books away.

"You're, daughter. A queen needs a king" Edmund said.

"KJ is working with the Trix." She suddenly said. "He wants to have the power of Unifersá. The moment I marry him, he will kill me!"

Both her parents looked in shock for a few seconds but changed immediately.

"You're not getting out of this wedding Florance." Diana looked annoyed. "You decided yourself that you wanted to marry him. And Kameron is not working together with the Trix! That's absurd!"

All of sudden, the doors to the practice room opened with a loud bang.

"You might be wrong about that, Diana" KJ walked in with the Trix right beside them.

"Winx transform" Bloom yelled. All the Winx, except Flora, transformed.

"Dragon Fury" "ray of sunlight" "Electric Beam" "Mega sound" "water Blast" the girls said at the same time. They fired the spells at the Trix. But it didn't hurt them at all.

Darcy and Stormy were busy with the Winx, while Icy and KJ were with the Royal family.

"Florance transforms," Edmund told his daughter.

"I can't. They stopped my powers"

Edmund looked around. He couldn't find his scepter, which gave him his power.

Diana fired a spell at the Icy and KJ, but they were able to dodge those easily.

Diana tried to protect her family while KJ and icy were attacking them.

The Winx were losing their battle against Darcy and Stormy.

"Dark night," Darcy said. A black horse appeared and pushed against Layla, who flew against the wall. She became unconscious and transformed back into her dress.

"Layla!" Stella said worriedly. She looked mad at Darcy. "Sunrise" Stella fired a bowl of sun at the witch. But Stormy formed a shield and dodged the ball back to Stella. Stella could see anything for a moment and also fell down on the ground.

Stormy clicked her fingers. A storm appeared and took Stella and Layla away.

"Where are they going?!" Tecna yelled mad.

"That's a little secret" the witched laughed evil.

"Sound wave" Musa fired a spell at the Trix, but they dodged it. The spell accidentally hit Flora.

"Sorry!" Musa yelled to her, while still fighter the Trix with Bloom and Tecna.

"It's okay!" Flora said. She looked around, she had to protect her and her parents.

Her mother wasn't used to using this much magic for a fight and clearly could keep them safe any longer. Then she suddenly remembered that she was in her training room.

Flora run to the wall and took her sword off of it.

Flora almost fell, while still wearing her wedding dress, but managed to keep standing. She run to KJ with the sword, who pulled out a sword of its own.

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