Chapter 18

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Another month passed by and before you knew it, it was the day of the wedding. It was a wedding all the planets were talking about, everyone wanted to be there and see it; the queen of Unifersá was getting married!

KJ and the specialist were in a suite, getting ready for the wedding.

"You're wearing lip balm?" Riven laughed at KJ.

"Soft lips" he winked. "That's why Flora loves kissing me so much"

*with the Winx*

"I can't believe it's already today?!" Stella said excitedly. "Our little Flora is getting married. I'm so happy!"

"Me too!" Aisha saw the box laying on Flora's bed. The lion, Duke, was protecting it, so Aisha didn't touch it. "Flo, what's this?"

Flora looked at was she was pointing at. "Some family heirlooms. Andrew must have put it there."

Flora set down and fixed her hair a bit, the maid did a small lower bun in flora's hair, but Flora thought it was too thighs. A more messy look would pull it off better.

"What are you doing?" Musa laughed. "The maid just did your hair!"

"I know, I'm just fixing it. Can someone hand me my crown?"

"There you go." Bloom gave Flora her crown. "You're nervous?"

"Of course, I am" Flora sounded indeed very nervous. She was putting the crown on her head, but put it off again when she realised she forgot the jewels.

"There's no need to be nervous!" Tecna tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, it's just a wedding!" Aisha added.

"Just a wedding? The whole world will be watching me getting married. What if I trip on my way down the aisle? Or I forget my vows? And what if the Trix suddenly break-in?"

"Breath!" Bloom held her friend's should to get her to relax more. "We're right here with you. I promise you everything will be okay. No Trix, no tripping and not forgetting any vows."

"You're right." Flora gave her a hug. "Sorry I'm just so nervous"

Flora walked to the box, pet her lion Duke, and then opened the box. Some earrings, rings and a necklace were in there. A couple of the family heirlooms, passed down generation by generation. Her mother chose these for Flora to wear during the wedding.

"Those are beautiful," Aisha told her.

"My mother choose them"


She gave Aisha the necklace. "Can you put this on me please?"

Flora put on the necklace, rings, and earrings.

"I'm going to put on the dress"

Flora went to her closet. When she walked out she was wearing her wedding dress; a white dress with a long poofy skirt. The skirt was so long that Flora was holding the end of it, so she wouldnt trip.

"Flora..." Stella started. "The dress... it looks amazing on you!" Stella gave her a hug.

"Thanks for redesigning it, Stella! I love it!"

All the Winx gave her a hug.

"Ready to go?" Musa asked them.

"Wait, my crown!" Flora almost forgot her crown, but luckily remembered it at the last time. She took it and put it on.

Before she went she said bye to Duke.

"Bye Duky, I'll see you after the wedding! Go to the girls then!" She looked at the chain he was wearing, she hated it, but it was a gift from KJ, so she could throw it away.

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