chapter 10

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The next week went fast. Flora was still a bit down from what happened with Helia and Brock but somehow found the spirit to rehearse with the guys for the dance.

She was with Sky right now, thinking about what dance they should do.

"You know we could easily win this" Sky told her.

"We could, But we aren't going to!" Flora told him. "Everyone in the universe thinks we should be together! So what's the plan?"

"I suggest we pick a fast number to dance on and do like a slow tango twist on it!" Sky told her excited. "And don't forget to step on my toes while dancing!"

"Of course! And it's a cocktail party, I'm wearing a short white dress, i suggest you wear a dark purple tie to Match?"

"Great thinking!" Sky laughed. "How many are leaving?"

"Two. You, for sure. And the other I guess KJ"

"One of those two is going to be your future husband, Flo. You already have a clue who?"

"I guess I'm supposed to chose for Blaine, but I don't want to marry any of them..."

"Blaine? I thought you and Chandler were such good friends?"

"We are. But, can you keep a secret?" She smiled.

"You know me!"

"Chandler is gay!"

"Ohhhh. You know, I'm not surprised!"

"Me too! But that means I'll have to marry Blaine and his ego..."

"I'm sorry. I already talked to my parents about it And they talked about it with your parents but your parents don't want to stop the selection!"

Flora sighed. "I know"

"When is the last decision? When are you announcing who's going to be your future husband?"

"On the yearly white ball. Only with no mask this time!"

Sky was thinking for a moment. "Did you ever think about KJ?"

"KJ? Do you mean our KJ? The girl hunter?"

"He didn't even talk to any other girl since he entered the selection! I think he actually is into you!"

"KJ? No that can't be! We know each other for ages!"

"Feelings can change, Flo!"


That night, Chandler and Flora were talking again in their usual spot.

"You know," Flora told him, "Sky things that KJ might be into me?"

"Girl, he is!" Chandler told her excited. "Since the Brock accident he's only been talking about you; that you need to take care of yourself, and need to look out and everything!"

"But I know him for so long!"

"You know, Flo. People change, they grow! When you're a kid, you have fun and everything. But then puberty comes and feelings change. And sometimes, you can't decide who you fall in love with! You always call KJ the girl hunter, right?"


"What if he was always into you? But just to hide it, he started talking to other girls?"

"No your probably wrong, Chandler."

Flora stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"To talk to my brother! See you tomorrow!"

Flora went to the lake of her brother.

"Declan!" She screamed, and a fog came and formed into her brother.

"Hey, Flora! You already made a decision for the selection?"

"Yes! I'm choosing Chandler!"

"But I thought he was gay?"

"I know, but I just don't want to end with ego Blaine. And besides that, with Chandler, I can still have some fun, like a best friend!"

"But do you really love him?"


"Think about that first, sister!"


It was the day of the dance rehearsal. The 4 guys were all going to show their duet dance to the King and to the whole universe on television.

Flora woke up and looked outside the window. She saw the first snowflakes falling down, exactly on time like every year.

After lunch, everyone gathered around in the hall where all the big parties happened.

"Let's start the dances!" The King said excited, and the camera started rolling.

"First," Andrew told everyone, "Blaine and Princess Florance are going to dance on the song 'Marry you' by Bruno Mars, they are going to do the acoustic version of the song!"

People started to clap and the two started to dance.

In the end, Blaine spun Flora around and they ended it's their foreheads against each other.

Everyone in the room was clapping excitedly.

"Next are," Andrew told again while looking at his list, "Chandler and Princess Florance with the song 'Happier by Ed Sheeran!"

They just ended up holding hands. Everyone was clapping again, except for the King, who still clapped, but less excited.

"Next up are King Sky and Princess Florance with the song 'single ladies' by Beyoncé..?" Andrew said doubting.

The music started playing and Sky and Flora danced to the original dance of single ladies. Everyone in the hall looked doubting at each other.

Right before the song ended, Sky 'fell' down to the ground.

No one was clapping or anything, and Sky just walked back to the other guys, giving Flora a small wink.

"And last but not least," Andrew finally said, "Kameron Jonathon and Princess Florance with the song 'Lucky' from Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillate!"

The two danced their routine and Flora actually forgot for a few minutes that they were being filmed cause she was having fun with KJ. Not that she was surprised about it, they know each other for years! But she was more surprised about the fact KJ actually could be romantic.

When the song ended, everyone was cheering and clapping, even Sky, Chandler and the King and Queen!

After that, the Royal family went into a private room.

"Florance," Her mother started, "You actually did a great job dancing, I'm surprised!"

"Thanks mother!"

"I agree with her, you did!" Her father gave her a small smile. "But Sky didn't! I'm actually really disappointed in him! You are going to send him out!"

"If you want to..." Flora acted.

"And you're also going to send out Blaine!" The Queen told her.


"Cause he's too full of himself!" She explained.

"So that means KJ and Chandler are left. Can I at least decide which of those two I'm going to marry?"

"Of course sweetheart!" Her father told her. "Now go and tell everyone who's out!"

"No."'Flora told them, and her parents looked surprised.

"Excuse me?"

I'm going to talk to them all in private first and then tell them!" And Flora walked out, back to the hall where everyone was waiting.

"Thank you all for waiting!" Flora told to the people who were there. "I'm sorry to say it, but you have to wait just a little long. I would like to talk to all the guys in private!"

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