Chapter 11

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"Thank you all for waiting!" Flora told to the people who were there. "I'm sorry to say it, but you have to wait just a little long. I would like to talk to all the guys in private!"

She and the guys went to their dorm.

Flora first talked with Sky.

"And?" He asked.

"My parents were very disappointed in you! I'm sorry, you're out!" Flora said sarcastically.

Sky yayed and gave Flora a hug.

"Thanks, Sky, for staying in the selection for so long!"

"Don't worry, I'm happy I am!"

She then talked to Chandler.

"Chan, you're on to the last part of the selection!"

"That's fun!" He answered excited.

"And I've been thinking about what you've said. That we could just act it all. And what if we did that? Would that make you happy?"

"I don't know, Flor. But I know if I'm going to leave her, I'm telling everyone that I'm gay!"

"That's great for you!" Flora cheered. "And if your parents kick you out, you can come and live in the castle!"

"Thanks, Flor!"

Then it was Blaine's turn.

"Blaine, you've been such a great friend for the last few months and I really got to know you well! But I'm sorry to say it, but you're out of the selection..."

"What me?" Blaine said surprised. "But I'm strong, pretty and everything you need in a man! I defeat dragons!"

"I know, I know Blaine. That's why I have an offer for you! Why don't you come and work here in the castle? You could train the Unifersá army and be head of the security!"

"But isn't that like a job you need years of experience for?"

"You have that right?"

"Of course. Of course, I've experience! I'm strong, remember!" They both laughed.

"But okay, thank you Florance... or Flora! For that, I'll take the job! I actually really like it here in the castle!"

"You're welcome!" Flora smiled at him.

The last one Flora talked to was KJ, but they didn't talk in a room, but went for a walk outside in the snow.

"Everything Okay Flora?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."


"The selection. You're on the the final!"

"That's wonderful!"

Flora just smiled at him.

"So what's on your mind about the selection?" KJ asked her again.

"You, actually. You've got anything to tell me?"

"Flora, I...." KJ started, But he couldn't finish his sentence, cause a big blow of snow came over them. "There's a snowstorm coming!" He screamed.

"Let's go back!" Flora screamed back.

"We can't, it's too far away and dangerous! Let's hide here in the stables!"

They went into the stables and closed the door behind them.

"I'll teleport us back!" Flora tried to transform, but she couldn't. "Something is blocking my magic!"

"Must be the storm! Let's wait here until it's gone!"

"Great..." Flora sighed.

It was an hour later and KJ and Flora were still locked up in the stables. They were sitting down on the ground. Since Flora was actually just wearing a short dress, KJ have her his coat.

"Flora... I've to tell you something." KJ turned to her. "I think I might actually be in love with you for a very long time..."

"Since... since when? You're always KJ the 'girl hunter'?"

"I already like you when we were kids, but just as best friends. But when you joined the Winx, you really started to develop as a person and I started having a crush on you. But then you started dating Helia. To hide the fact that I had a crush on you, I started dating other girls. When I was with other girls, my feeling for you actually went away"

"But then?"

"On your birthday party," KJ explained. "That night, when we were brought back memories..."


"I promised myself that I wouldn't fall in love with you again. But it was 4 am, and we were laughing way too hard, and I hadn't felled that happy for the first time in a long time, and I just knew I was screwed..."

KJ looked her in the eyes. He went closer to her face, and then they kissed!

Right after that, Flora stood up.

"I really can't stay."

"Flo, there's a storm outside, we can't leave!"

"I've got to go, Ke"

"It's too the cold outside!"

"This moment has been... really clearing!"

"You can't leave!"'KJ took Flora's hand.

"Listen, my parents will start to worry!"

"Princess, don't hurry! They can wait."

"No, I better hurry back home!" Flora let go of his hands.

"Beautiful, please don't hurry!"

"But the others might think..." Flora started, But KJ interrupted her. "Babe, it's bad out there!"

Flora looked out of the window, ''I guess you're right.. waiting a couple of hours won't hurt I guess...''

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