Chapter 12

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It was a day before the white ball and the Winx had a sleepover at Flora's castle.

They were all chilling in Flora's room. Stella saw a picture of Flora and a guy standing in her night desk and took it.

"Flo?" She asked. "Who's this hot guy?" She showed Flora and the others the picture.

"Yeah, he's a cutie!" Aisha agreed.

"That's... that's my brother, Declan" Flora told them.

"You never told us what happened to your brother?" Bloom asked Flora.

"I know. It's not something I like to talk about..." Flora sighted. "Listen, I'll tell it to you when I'm ready!"

"Don't worry," Tecna told her, "take your time!"

Flora laid down next to Stella on the bed and looked at the picture.

"This are Declan and I right before the white ball started. The theme was animals. Declan was wearing a lion mask and I was as a butterlfy. I believe I was 12 years old here, Dec was 21..."

"All the previous yearly white balls were masked, right?" Bloom asked.

"Almost all the balls I go to were masked. My parents wanted me to grow up 'save'."

"Wait..." Stella was looking at the picture. "I think I was there to!"

Everyone looked surprised.

"I'm even sure I was there!" Stella was excited. "I believe I even talked to you, Flo! I was the girl wearing a panther mask!"

"OMG yes of course, I remember!"

"That's coincidence!" Musa laughed.

"So that means Sky was also there?" Bloom asked.

"Yes He was!" Flora said. "Just like KJ..."

"Talking about KJ..." Tecna began curious. "I heard a rumour that the two of you were missing for 1 hours last time...?"

"We got locked up by the snow storm!" Flora explained to them, but she started to blush.

"Omg, what happened?" Stella almost screamed.

"We kissed!"

"Ahhhhh!" All the winx screamed.

"Explain!" Bloom told her.

"So what happened?" Musa asked.

Flora explained everything to them. After that, they all went to sleep, since I would be a busy day tomorrow.

The next day, Flora and the winx woke up late. They took a mask, a massage and let their nails done for the white ball.

The winx were all dressed up in a white cocktail dress, waiting for Flora.

Flora walked down the stairs to the winx. She was wearing the white Isabelle Angel sleeve empire dress, her hair was down and a bit curled, her locks in front of her hair were gone and a silver crown was resting on her head.

"You look beautiful, Flo!" Stella said happy.

"KJ is going to be a very lucky guy!" Aisha told her enthusiastic.

"Thanks girls" Flora smiled

"You're scared?" Musa asked.

"I don't know..."

"Don't worry," Bloom told her, "you got this!" She gave her a hug and the rest of the winx followed into a group hug.


"Hello everyone! Thank you all for coming to the yearly white ball!" Flora thanked everyone. "As some of you may know, I'm suppose to tell you all who my fiancé is tonight!" Flora looked at her father, who just nodded back. "So let's not keep you all waiting. The guy I'm going to marry is...."

Flora wanted to tell everyone, but KJ stopped her. "Ho Ho! This isn't how a proposal should go!"

Everyone is the hall was quiet and looked at him. KJ took a small package out of his pocket and kneeled down across Flora. Everyone in the hall was holding his breath, including the king and Queen.

"Dear Florance Diana Khatelyn Malone, will you please marry me?"

Everyone in the hall was quiet looking at Flora.

"Yes!" Flora told him happy. "Yes. Yes. Yes! Of course!" KJ put the ring around Flora's finger, they then kissed and everyone started cheering and clapping.


hi! so I'm going on vacation until mondag, I'll update soon!!

Please tell me what you think of the story!!

xoxo Neen

secret princessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz