How we meet-1

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Hello, this is my first Dabideku story! Sorry if it is bad or not to your taste! Enjoy this story and remember to eat today and to drink plenty of water! Take care of yourself and have fun! Shoutout to @x_echo28_x they are a great aurthor and person and they are a close friend of mine. I definitely recommend checking out there amazing storys!

Dabis POV

As I walk out of the bar I can hear the muttering from people in the alley. I walk past them without a care, they knew who I am so I knew I was in no danger. Hand job has sent me to deal with some idiots as punishment for drinking the last of the raspberry vodka, to be honest I just did it it piss him of so mission accomplished. I look around till I find the street I want, I casually walk down it, people are everywhere and it is honestly surprising how no one has ever looked at me and screamed 'Monster!', honestly people are so blind sometimes. I mean I am a well known villain with very unique scars and I am in my 'villain costume'. Frankly it isn't a costume it is just the the only cloths that can withstand my flames that i like the look of.

I walk down the street till I find the alley I'm looking for. There were always people in alleys trying to cause trouble and since this is LOV turf we have to deal with it. I walk into the street slowly, not wanting to rush in and make a fool of myself or get hurt.

As my eyes adjust to the darkness of the alley I make out four different figures. They looked at me with a smug smile and I knew this was not going to end well.

The first man looked like he was in his mid 30s and had pale skin. His hair was bright yellow and his safe had a nice looking scar from his nose to his chin on an angle. The second man was short and had a chubby look to him. He looked like he was in his late 20s and like he just got out of jail. The third guy was a mess, he had long blue hair and his skin looked like fish scales, his skin made him look like some mermaid from Harry Potter. Again he looked like he was in his 30s. Now the last guy looked like he was the leader. He had dark brown hair and looked like if he saw sunlight he would burn up like Count Dracula. He had a black vest and he looked like a gangster from the 50s,nearly a century ago but then again he does look like he is in his late 40s so this loser probably grew up with his grandparents telling him how cool those times were, meh.

"Well look who it is boys! The famous dabi from the LOV. Looks like we got ourselves a treat tonight! We get to kill one of the members of one of the most famous villain groups around! How does that sound huh boys?" Count Dracula exclaimed, turning to the other three men with a cocky look.

"Sounds good to me Daiki, I'm sure he will deliver a great message to Shigaraki that we are going to be number one!" The chubby one says, sneering at me. Oh please like a couple of losers in their mid thirties could beat me, let alone all of LOV!

"Not gonna lie Daiki, I was hoping it was that little blond bitch so we could have some fun with her!" The blond one says with a disgusting look on his face. The others agree with grunts and murmurs. Okay that's it, no one talks about rape in my presence, especially when it comes to my friends, even if she is annoying as hell she is still my friend.

"Okay that's it, you can talk shit all you want but don't you dare even think about touching her, or any member of LOV in any way, Got it?" I light my hand on fire and the chubby one takes a step back, with fear written all over his face. The one with scales looks amused so I shoot a warning shot at his and the blonde's feet. Narrowly missing their toes. "I'll give you one chance to run away and hide in whatever whole you crawled out of. But if I ever see your face's again, you wont get a second chance and I don't care if I see you in a church or down the Main Street, I will do it. So run." I look at them with a dark glare, hoping they will leave so I can go back to sleep. Unfortunately they don't. None of them move an inch, great.

"Hmm nice threat there but you see, you really shouldn't attack people who have after quirks." The scale man says as he sprays a large gush of water towards me. I quickly throw my flames at it, causing it to evaporate. The steam blocks my sight and I can hear a loud ban and feel something in my lower chest hit. I grunt, knowing it is some type of bullet. As the steam cools I see chubby holding a gun, his face looks like he was going to be sick, while water is on the ground, dead. He must have been hit by my flames, the stench of burning flesh confirming my suspicions. The blond guy looks angry, he charges at me with knife-like hands. He slices his hand towards my chest, nearly hitting me. I managed to step back and while he was trying to coil back for another hit I punched him in the face, my hand still on fire. He screams and stumbles back. Two down, two more to go.

The chubby guy raised the gun again and and with shaky hands shot it. This time it hit my leg, I grunt and my hands flew to my leg. I grit my teeth and look up. Count Dracula was standing over me with a smug look. He tries to touch me but a flash of green light knocks him into the wall behind me. I looked at the chubby guy to see if he was the cause but he was backed into a corner beside a dumpster. There was a dark figure over him. The last thing I saw before blacking out due to blood loss is the dark figure standing over me.

Rewind five minutes       Izukus POV

It was 6.53 and the sun was finally setting. I had about seven minutes till my patrol was over and I was happy. Today is Friday so I get to go to my apartment instead of the dorms. My mum had gone to visit dad. I still don't like him or my adopted brother but I won't ruin it for mum. She and dad actually love each other and I'm not going to be the reason she has to lose her husband for the second time. Though I wish he could have given her at least a letter once so she knew he was alive.

As I walk down the street I hear a scream, it was not a fear scream it was a scream of pain. I run towards the scream. It took me about two minutes but the sound of grunts and fighting encouraged me to pick up speed. As I finally get to the scene I see a man with pale skin stand over a familiar looking man. He was hurt. My instincts kick in and I use One for All at 20% to knock the man into the wall without causing damage. I am not going to become Endeavor and destroy the alley just so I can stop someone.

I look at a man standing maybe two yards/meters away. He was a stubby short man with a M1911 pistol in his hand. I rush forward to him before he can shoot again and knock the gun out of his hand. I throw him to the side of the dumpster and he curls up. I am standing above him and he looks scared. I flick his head with 2% of One for All, knocking him out without hurting him.

I turn around to go to the side of the mad that was injured. He looks at me for a brief second before passing out. He falls forward and I rush to him before he can hit the floor. I gently ease him to the ground. I rolled him over so I could see his face... It was dabi. My heart stops. He is a villain, I can't help him... but he was hurt. When I got this quirk I swore I would help everyone and anyone I could. Now the question, do i live up to that or do i turn him in and do what many would say is the right thing. I look at his words, he was shot in the lower chest, just below the ribs. He also had a bad wound on his leg. If he didn't get help he would either die from blood loss or if he survived which I doubt, he wouldn't be able to walk normally for at least a year.

I look at his face and sigh, my stupid concise had gotten the better of me once again. I lift him gently and power Blackwip. I swing myself to the roof and from there I jump from roof to roof. It takes me ten minutes and all while dabi rests still in my arms, my thoughts running a hundred miles an hour on what to do. I reach my apartment and quickly rush through the door, locking it behind me. I place dabi on the lounge/couch and rush for my first aid kit. After nearly three years of having One for All you get good at healing injuries.

I look at the villain on the lounge/couch and with positive and nervous energy I walk towards him. I kneel beside him and whisper softly "Now let's get you patched up."

Okay done! Here is my first part! Hope you like it, feel free to leave spelling corrections or suggestions! Have a good day and stay safe, bye! 

Word count:1711

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