Something new~

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"Is that your roomate?", Yeji asked putting her hand on my shoulder clinging onto me.

"Well yeah", i said"i don't know why tho"

"What do you mean? I couldn't seehis face but since he is tall and has good fashion sense. I was a bit behind y'all the whole time and yeah you both look cute together.", She smirked as i hit her arm playfully.

"Yeah whatever", i rolled my eyes, as we took our books and headed to our class.

(Time skip after class cause the author is fucking dumb and lazy, can't help it :P)

"So what are your plans after this?", Yeji asked as she kept the books inside her bag. Almost half of the people were already outside the class, while some were chitchatting with each other.

She glanced at everyone once and looked back at Yuna.

"Well not anything, I'll just complete my homework and the-"

"YouTube and Wattpad, ain't it?", She smirked as i chuckled while nodding my head in a yes.

"Well i was traumatised after seeing your Wattpad history, but who am I to judge what you like or not"

"What do you mean", i hit her on her shoulder.

That's when their eyes shifted to a tall figure entering the class.


"Hey Jisung", Yeji shouted, as she got up to give him a hi-fi.

"Hey yeji, oh hi Yuna", his gaze shifted towards me and glanced a smile.

"You know him?", I questioned yeji as i looked at her confused.

"What do you mean Yuna?", She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I asked, you know him", i glanced at Jisung who was busy talking to other boys.

"You don't remember that night?"

Roommates// Park JisungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ