Chapter 14

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I Love You

Reader's pov- Tess woke up screaming. Caleb sat up fast to see what was happening. He pulled her into a hug to let her know she was ok. She was breathing heavily. Caleb blamed it on the mating problems. "Hey breathe baby it's ok" he whispered in her ear to calm her. He pulled apart from the hug and made eye contact with her. "Tell me what happened," he said, concerned. She was taking deep breaths preparing to tell him. "I-i heard...." She cried. She took a deep breath. "Her" is all she let out. Caleb didn't understand what she meant. "I heard her- I heard Alissa, she's hurting, someone hurting her. She's not dead. I know it, I felt her pain. I heard her cries, she called for me. She needs my help. Caleb she's hurting." She said , crying. He pulled her back into the hug. She cried on his shoulder. Caleb didn't know what to do or to think. He heard of people hearing voices but never someone that was dead. Or someone calling for you. This is weird. "Hey it's ok it was just a bad dream bby". He laid her down it waited for her to fall back asleep

Tess pov-The next morning when i wake up i can't get that nightmare out of my head. I heard Alissa calling me. Am I crazy? Why did I hear Alissa? I decided to ignore it for now. I was sitting in the living room on my phone. Caleb was still sleeping. Out of nowhere I felt this pain in my stomach. It felt like I just got kicked in it. I start feeling pain everywhere on my body. I heard a loud thump from upstairs. I got off the couch and started running towards the stairs. The pain continued. When I made it to my doorway I heard yelling. I burst through the door to see a large man fighting with Caleb. "What the fuck is going on" i yell. I then feel a sharp pain in my back. I fall over at the instant wave of pain that flows through my body. "Tess" Caleb yells, pushing the guy off of him. He runs over to me. The guy hops out the window. Caleb helps me up. I still feel all the pain. I then start to hear someone yelling. The voices ring in my head. It's Alissa. She's screaming for me. I grab my head and scream in pain. I could tell this worried Caleb. I fall back on the bed and ball up. Caleb tries to hold me but I wouldn't let him. " What's wrong baby, tell me what's happening." He said, freaked out.

Caleb pov- Tess was balled up in the bed screaming in pain. It hurt my heart to see her like this. I tried to hold her and comfort her but she wouldn't let me. I felt helpless. I begged her to tell me. All she let out was "it HURTS". I didn't know what to do. "Where does it hurt" is all I could come up with. She yelled again "everywhere" tears filled her eyes. It was breaking my heart. I needed to do something. I rushed around her room and house to see if there was anything I can use or get her for the pain to stop. I found some pain killers. I ran upstairs to give them to her. But she was just sitting on the bed. Not screaming in pain. Not balled up crying. Not doing anything, just sitting there. Her eyes were puffy. She still had tears coming down but there was no emotion. She looked numb. She looked up at me. "It wasn't a dream" she said as she crawled to the top of her bed. "What do you mean?" I asked. She kept her eyes in her lap. She shook her head. "Last night, today they aren't dreams." Her eyes filled with tears again. "Caleb, my best friend isn't dead" she continued to cry. "All this time I thought she was dead but she's not. That's a good thing but someone is hurting Caleb, someone's hurting her and I don't know where to find her. I don't know how to help her, Caleb we have to help her" I got on the bed and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder. "Caleb I-i love you" when she said this I felt my heart fill with warmth. "I love you too" I return the feelings. I really did love her. I would do anything to make her happy. "I'll help you find Alissa," I said sweetly. "Really" she said looking up at me. I nodded. She hugged me tight. We laid there for a while then went downstairs and watched tv. We eventually fell asleep there.
Idk. Ok maybe this is the best chapter idk but it is kinda short whatever's and also it may be a while until the next chapter bc I haven't wrote it yet but I will soon

Word count - 846

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