Chapter 12

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Ruining the moment

Caleb pov- Me and Tess were finishing up eating. We put our things in the sink. She told me to go shower while she washed the dishes. I went upstairs to shower I was in the shower for 20 minutes. While I was in, I heard Tess playing a song called Runway. When I got out I put on a hoodie and some jeans. I quietly walk downstairs. Tess was still washing the dishes ,so I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She jumps a little then turns around to face me. She gives me a quick kiss then goes back to washing the dishes. I kissed her cheek then went to wait for her in the living room. She came and sat on my lap. We talked for a long time. I get a bad feeling out of nowhere. I try to ignore it . I was zoned out for a sec. When I come back too Tess is shaking and holding her chest. I instantly react. "Tess Tess breath come on breath in,out,in,out" I was trying to calm her down. She took a deep breath and eventually calmed down. "Sorry I don't know what happened I just got a bad feeling out of nowhere." I was confused. I just had a bad feeling,she did too. Something is up. Before I could respond the door was kicked open. "Hello you two" a tall man said with a smirk. Tess looked confused. I instantly stood up not knowing who he was but had a hint why he was here. Tess stood up too. "Who are you and what do you want?" I said anger booming in my voice. "You're Caleb right?" He asked, his smirk not leaving his face. "Yea who's asking" I said , not fazed by his intense glare. "You'll find out soon enough. Who is the pretty lady behind you?" I swear, I was gonna knock that smirk right off his face. "I'm Tess not that it is any of your business" she said so powerfully. Tess didn't seem to be afraid of anything. I mean she lost her best friend. What's worse than growing up with someone and having them taken from you. "Ooh she's a fireball isn't she" he said jumping up and down a little. "Listen cutie I'm not here for you I'm here for Caleb we have some business to attend to" he said winking at her. This angered me. "Don't call her that" I felt my anger grow. "Wait, is she your mate?" he said,his smirk finally leaving his face. I didn't know what to say. I was planning on making my mate but haven't yet. I didn't know what he would do if I said no. But I wasn't going to claim her like this. "No why the fuck does it matter" I said, ready to deal with what ever was to come next. His fucking smirk reappeared yea n his face. It was pure evil. He clicked something that he had in his pocket twice. Tess' eyes widened. She then whispered to me. "He's working with other people. I think that thing is how he contacts them" I was confused how did she know this. "How do you know?" I asked curious. "When I was coming over here yesterday I saw a bunch of people staring at me with those things they kept clicking them just like that" before I could respond a group of people came into my house all having the same thing he had. "Get him boys" the first one said. They start walking towards me. Tess stepped in front of me. Why would she do that?

Tess pov- As they walked towards him I stepped in front of him. I couldn't let them take him from me. I already lost my only best friend. I wasn't going to lose my first boyfriend too. "Take another step and I'll kill you all" I said harshly. I didn't know who these people were or what they wanted with Caleb but no matter what it was he was mine and no one was taking him from me. "Listen cutie I already told you we're not here but if you don't get out of our way we'll show you new things" he said angrily. I didn't care, I meant what I said. If anyone tried to touch Caleb I would kill them. "Try me asshole" I said, ready to kill anyone who comes near us. Everyone stopped when a huge guy walked in. He came right up to me. "Listen girly, we don't want to hurt him, we want to help him. Make him better, don't you want him to get better luv?" He said cupping my face. Caleb slapped his hand away. "Don't touch her," he said angrily. Someone suddenly grabbed Caleb. "Hey ,let the fuck go of me" I turned around to see that whoever it was, was grabbing his arms really tight. I started to panic. I couldn't control my breathing. They were going to take him from me. Shit why ? "You heard him let him go NOW!!!!!!" I yelled, cry. I knew this would happen if I admitted my feelings for him. Something took over me. I punched the huge guy that was in front of me. He turned red , he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "We told you but you decided to-". He was cut off by Caleb " wait let her go she's my mate we were heading there" he said I was confused. The guy threw me on the ground pretty hard. "Let's go boys" he said everyone left just like that. I passed out on the floor from hitting my head hard. The last thing I saw was Caleb holding me ,crying.

Caleb pov- Tess passed out in my arms. I started to feel everything that had just happened. I began to shake. I felt my chest tighten at how helpless she looked. I felt tears run down my face. I was angry, so fucking angry. I was angry at those assholes who overwhelmed her. I was mad at my mom for running out on me. I was pissed at my dad for being a deadbeat. And I was furious with myself for not stopping this. Why ,why did all of this have to happen. I was finally feeling happy. I finally felt whole with her. Then these pricks hurt her more than she was already hurting. I feel like I can't breathe. I need her to wake up so I can tell her how sorry I am. So I can tell her how much she means to me. How tho. I picked her up and laid her on the couch. I sat with her shaking. I still felt like shit. Her phone started to ring and I picked it up. It was her mom.

The call

Her mom: sweetie are you ok? Where are you?

Caleb: uhh she's sleeping rn is everything ok

Her mom: yea everything's fine I was just worried.

Caleb: ok I'll let her know you called

Her mom: thank you

End of call

I just couldn't sit here. I got up. I was going to leave but then I heard Tess mumbling something. I went back over to her. She was saying something. "Don't take him. I lost Alissa pls don't take him from me." She sounded so sad and broken. My heart ached at the sound. I just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before those people came here. They had to ruin the moment.
This is my favorite chapter. And to me it's the best chapter. But it's really up to you to decide.

Word count- 1298
See long chapter

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