Chapter 11

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Tess pov-When I woke up the next morning I was laying on Caleb's bare chest. It was smooth. I remember last night and felt my cheeks get hot. I looked around his room. ( let's just say they moved there during their uhhhh moment) On his night stand I saw a piece of paper. I didn't want to be curious. But something made me grab it. The note was from his mom. She left, his dad was trying to kill her. Wtf was going on. I put the note back down and got out of the bed. I went to his kitchen to make breakfast. I figured he had a lot on his mind. I cooked eggs ,pancakes ,and bacon. It wasn't too big but it was enough. I listen to music while I cook like my mom used to do. You know before Alissa died and she became a drunk. As I was cooking I saw a lot of weird things around his house. I saw a door that I think leans to the basement. It had a sign on it that said if a civilian do not enter. Whatever that means. I continue to cook and listen to music.

Caleb pov- I woke up angry for some reason. Yesterday after I read the note from my mom my emotions began to go all over the place. That's probably why I was horny. Then it hit me. Shit where's Tess? What if she looked around the house and found out things. She would never want to be around me again. At this thought I felt my blood boil. I wasn't mad at her, I just couldn't control myself at the moment. She wasn't next to me, she must have gone home. I got up red as ever and as I was walking to the door trying to calm myself down I couldn't. I hit the wall really hard, putting a hole in it. Fuck I thought. I continue to beat the wall. Needing to let my anger out before I hurt someone. I then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. What if it was someone who knew I didn't have a mate and was coming for me. Shit fuck I shouldn't' of made all that noise. I guess I was going to have to fight. I had A lot of thoughts in my mind at the moment. What if this person hurt Tess. What if she knows everything now. What if I couldn't put up a fight against whoever it was. My emotions were really taking over. I had to calm down and think straight. Fuck it wasn't working. Just then Tess walked in the room. "Caleb you ok" she said confused. She then looked around the room and when her eyes landed on the holes in the wall her eyes widened. I saw a little fear in them. Shit I really messed up.

Reader's pov- Tess was confused. Was this because of the note? Is he ok? She thought. "Yeah I'm fine I-I uhhh though you went home. He suddenly said bringing her attention back to him. "No, I made us breakfast what happened in here" she wasn't letting go. The room now had holes in the walls. When she was down stairs she heard banging. It sounded like someone was hitting or punching the wall. She then looked at his hands to see them red and bleeding. She walked closer to him only making him take a step back. She was confused. What was going on. Caleb couldn't believe what he had done. He saw look of terror in Tess's eyes it hurt him to know he had scared her. But with all his emotions not being right he knew if he touched her his force would kick in and he might hurt her. That's not what he wanted. "Caleb tell me what's wrong your hands are bleeding" he then looked down at his hands to see that they were bleeding. He didn't even notice it. This was bad, really bad. He couldn't hold back anymore and fell to the floor. He was taking deep breaths. It looked like he was having a panic attack. He was. He began to cry, not being able to control it. Tess knew what was happening and Kneed down next to him. "Breathe in ,out,in,out" she repeated to calm him down. "T-t-Tess I-I'm sorry about this" he said with his breathing shaking. Tess didn't understand what he meant. She didn't know what was going on. "Why are you sorry what happened?" she said, trying to understand. She had no clue. Was this because of last night? No it couldn't be could it? "I told you, you don't know everything about me, if you did you wouldn't want to be around me. I'm too much of a mess" he said in a broken voice. It broke Tess' heart hearing him sound so sad and hurt. "That could never happen just tell me pls" she said pulling him closer to her. He hugged her. Once they pulled apart she sat beside him. He laid his head on her shoulder. "My family is different, the reason for the hole is because uhh....." he stopped and took a deep breath. He didn't know if he should tell her. What if she left? What if she thought he was weird? What if she never wanted to be around him again? "Sometimes I can't control my anger or any of my feelings they sort of control themselves I get angry at random times and when I do get angry I get strong and have a whole bunch of force and I know it's weird I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore" Tess sat there confused. She didn't understand. Why couldn't he control his anger? Did he have ability? "Wait, do you have powers or something? Is this why your mom wrote you that note?" Caleb couldn't believe she wasn't running away. And he laughed at the first question. "No, I don't have powers. Wait, you know about the note?" How did she know? He thought. "Oh uhh umm I saw it on your nightstand this morning sorry for snooping." She felt guilty for looking at it. "It's fine I'm just happy you're not running out the door". He really was relieved she wasn't leaving him. "Ofc I wouldn't leave... Do you want to eat breakfast?" She looked at him with so much care. He nodded and they got up and went downstairs. They ate their food smiling at each other. He couldn't believe she knew the truth and wasn't leaving. Maybe he could mate with her. Maybe she was the one.

I really liked this chapter but I like the next one better. It's getting really good to me at least.

Word count- 1147

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