Chapter 13

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Lovers park

Tess pov- I woke up in Caleb's bed. He wasn't in the room ,for some reason it made me panic. I needed him by my side. "Caleb!" I yelled. I didn't know if he was at home. I wait for a few seconds. Nothing. "Caleb!" I yelled again, this time I got out of the bed. I wonder if those people took him. My breathing gets heavier. As I leave his room I see him coming up the stairs. I run to him and hug him tight. "My god you scared me" I say, finally breathing normally again. "You scared me, are you ok?" he says,his voice full of concern. I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Yea I'm ok how about you?" I ask. Knowing today was a lot to take. "I'm fine, just a little tired but I'll stay up with you if you want" he was so cute . I know I slept all day but I was still sleepy. "No I'm tired anyways let's go lay down" I say pulling his arm towards his room. He stopped me pulling me close to him. "Hey umm tomorrow do you want to come with me to this place?" He says shyly. Why was he being shy? He turned red. I loved when I made him blush. I loved everything about him. "Yea ,where?" I asked. But did I just admit to loving him? Did I love him? Yeah I loved him. Was I moving too fast? Whatever. "You'll see" he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and walking to the room. We laid down and went to sleep.

Caleb pov- It's the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. I was so anxious about tomorrow. What if even when we mated people still came after me? After us. I had to make sure she was ok. I had to mate with her. I couldn't risk them hurting her. But she would start changing. 1,she would instantly know everything about me and my family. 2, she would just like me, feel things hard. 3, this is rare but she might hear things that aren't there. What if she didn't want this? Was I forcing her? My dad forced my mom, that's why she couldn't fight back. She never gained the things you gained if you wanted to mate. But you would always be unhappy as a forced mate. I would never want that for her. I'll explained everything to her tomorrow.

The next day

Tess pov- I woke up refreshed. Caleb was already up. He was on his phone looking at something. When he saw that I was up he smirked at me. "Morning luv" he said ,as he kissed my head. I started to blush. "Morning" I said, laying back on his chest. We laid there for a few seconds until I remembered he wanted to go somewhere today. "Hey bby, didn't you want to take me somewhere today?" I asked, wondering if he still wanted to go. "Yeah" he responded ,looking at me. His eyes were so pretty in the morning. They were hazel,they glistened in the sun. I could stare at them all day. "Let's get ready" I say, getting out of bed. He was staring at me. I went to the bathroom and took my shower. It didn't take too long. He got in after me. I got dressed in his room. I put on some of his jogging pants and a hoodie of his. It smelled so much like him I loved it. I then lay back in bed and take a nap. He comes out and gets dressed. He wears some black jeans and a hoodie as well. He then wakes me up. "Hey bby it's time to go," he says, shaking me slightly. I groan and get out of bed. He takes my hand and we walk downstairs and out of the house. We talk as he takes me to wherever we are going. We arrived at a lake called Lovers park. The place was so big. "Do you like it?" He asked. I hugged him really tight. I then realized he had a bag. "We're getting in aren't we" I say disappointedly. "Yep" he says, before he picks me up and throws me in the water. I scream as I come to the surface. "Why would you do that?" I yelled at him playfully. He just laughed and began to take off his hoodie. He removed most of his clothes. I stared in awe at the sight of his body. He then gets in with me. Once he's in I splashed him with water as pay back for throwing me in. We splash around for a while back until I get cold. " Caleb I'm cold, can we get out?" I ask nicely. He grabs my hand and walks me out of the water. We sit on a rock and he wraps me in a dry towel. "Tess, I have to tell you something," he says nervously. I nod in response. "If I kiss you right now things will change" I was so confused. Why would they change? "What are you talking about?" I was confused. He took a deep breath. He seemed really nervous. " You know about the note you found. Well in my family, by the time you're my age you have to find a mate ........." he got even more nervous as he continued. " This is where you mate with whomever you want, I want to mate with you but only if you want and before you say yes you should know that you will start feeling things and you won't be able to control it and you- " I grabbed his collar and kissed him. He was so cute. He wanted to mate with me and ofc I wanted to mate with him no matter the risk.

Caleb pov- I was in the middle of telling her then she kissed me. We pulled apart and after a second it started. Me and Tess started getting each other memories of trauma. She held her head as if it hurted. Once it was done she looked at me . "What now?" she said smiling. I was really just happy she wanted to mate with me knowing the risk, knowing the truth. "You're my mate, whatever you want luv" I said ,winking at her. She started to blush,her eyes lit up as she smiled. She was perfect. I loved how perfect she was. I loved how she tried to hide her face when she was blushing. I loved everything about her. Wait, did I love her. I did. "I want your hoodie, the one you were wearing." She said shyly. I laughed and gave it to her. The hoodie went to the middle of her thighs. I put on my dry clothes. I go in the bag to get Tess some leggings I brought for her to put on. "Here cutie put these on" I say handing them to her. She puts them on and looks adorable. I grab her hand and head to her house seeing as she hasn't been home in a few days. As we're walking down the street a few guys give her looks. Not bad looks but looks of desire. This angered me a little but it faded as I felt her squeeze my hand. We make it to her house and everyone there is sleeping so we go to her room and go to sleep as well.
There finally together,together. Yea this story is kinda cheesy but really cute. Oh and if your reading i think this story looks better in black if you want to read it that way.

Word count- 1296

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