Chapter 8

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Living in the Moment

Tess pov- Why didn't they tell me she didn't get the job. Did they think I wouldn't understand? Do they think I'm a child? Why wouldn't I understand? I mean if they told me I could've helped. I couldn't have motivated her to go out and look for another one. But no she just went back to laying on the fucking couch. I decided not to stress over it. I went to the park I was meeting Caleb at. When I made it there he was already there sitting on a bench. I walked up to him. "Hey hey" I said, trying not to think about this morning. "Hey cutie" he responded,making me blush. "So what are we doing today" I say, shaking off my blush. "Wherever you wish, '' he said in a British accent. I laughed at how bad it was. He then picks me up and puts me on his shoulders. I scream at first, being taken by surprise. He then spun me around. I laugh and laugh. I forgot about everything I could live in this moment forever. He puts me down. We make eye contact for a second before I decide what I want to do. "I wanna go to an art class so we can make something together." I say with happiness in my voice. "Sure, whatever you want," he said. He looked at me like I was the only person in the world. Like he lived for me. The way he looked at me filled me with warmth. He then wrapped his arms around me. We started walking down town. It was where everything was. When we got there we searched where an art class was located. We found it and headed there. It was almost 5:00 I was worried it wouldn't be open but it was. We went in and found a station to work at and started.

Caleb pov- We decided to paint something. We wanted it to have a lot of colors to it. We put on these big coats so our clothes don't get dirty. She says we should start with the background. I agree. We decided to do black and blue. We were making it an omber color. We started with black and worked our way up. When we were done with the background. We thought about what we wanted on it. She said we could do the sunset on one side and the night on the other. She had a very creative mind. I agreed and we got started. Once we were done with that she whispered something in my ear of what we should do next and we did that. We were finally finished. It was now almost 7:00. The painting was amazing. The last thing we added was two people, a boy and a girl who were on opposite sides of the canvas. The girl was on the sunset side. And the boy was on the night side. They had their hand out reaching for the other. It was amazing. We took it with us while we did one last thing before heading home. We went to get some food. We didn't want to sit anywhere so we went to this place that sold BG fries. I think that's what it was called. We ordered what we wanted and headed to her house. When we got there it was 9:00. We went to her room to watch TV and eat. We were going on the last season of Stranger Things, one of the last episodes as well. When we were done with our food we laid down and got comfortable. She laid on my chest.

Reader's pov-The two watched TV and just relaxed. They hung their painting above her bed. Caleb would look at it sometimes. She would too. The day started how it ended. Tess decided not to care about her parents not telling her. She thought that maybe they had a reason. When she was with Caleb today she felt alive. Happy even. He was bringing her happiness and life. There was only one person who did that and it was Alissa ofc. But when she was with Caleb seeing how much he cared for her. She couldn't describe what she was feeling for him but it was strong. She always wanted to be near him. She felt safe with him. But she felt like because he was with her something bad was going to happen to him. She shook those thoughts away. Because she didn't want anything to ruin this moment. His arms around her laying on his chest. Being so close him. She wanted to stay in this moment. She felt it was possible to live in the moment when she was with him.
Chapter 8 there getting closer. Smut warning. It's going be in about two chapters. Anyways let me know who you think.

Word count- 824


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