Chapter 4

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The group is made

Reader's pov- Caleb has been up for a while. He was already dressed. When it was a few minutes until he had to leave he heard a knock on the door. He told his mom that he would get it so she could stay in bed. When he opened the door his eyes widened when he saw Tess in his doorway. "Hey Tess wassup" he was really confused on why she had walked to his house. Also why she just left yesterday. "Hey wanna walk to school together" she had a small smile on while she offered. " Sure" he agreed and grabbed his bag before walking out the door. Caleb and Tess walked to school talking about small things until he decided to ask about yesterday. "Umm Tess why did you run off yesterday" he didn't want to ask and make her uncomfortable but he had to know. "I don't know" he didn't believe her. "Come on Tess, tell me pls" he begged her. This is the first girl he liked. "Fine, me and Alissa used to watch Stranger Things all the time. I want to watch it with you but without her it hurts" she started to tear up. He pulled her in a hug. Against her better judgment she hugged back. "It's ok Tess I know losing a best friend must be hard" he had so much understanding in his voice. She never wanted to end the hug but they had to get to school.

Tess pov- When we made it to school we went to our locker then home room. We were late. I feel kinda bad for making him late. We sit down and unlike me he pays attention. Everyone was working on their timelines. Us being done she let us start the next assignment. She said the whole week we would be working on different things in groups. I wasn't mad at it. I like having him as a partner. He took notes on some things while I started the next project. For some reason he made me want to work. But something told me to just write and not to work. I pulled out my everything book as I called it and flipped to a random page and started to write.

What she wrote

Here I am again writin and not working as I should be. Caleb looks so cute when he's focused. Not that that matters. I'm so bored. I can't stop thinking about this morning. He understands. No one understands what I'm going through. But he does. Well maybe he doesn't and just said that. Idk bye

Reader's pov- She tried to put her book away but he took it out of her hands. "What the heck give that back" she was so shocked she didn't realize how loud she said it. Everyone looked at her for a second then back at what they were doing. "Why, I just want to write something?" he said playfully. He then turned to the page she drew yesterday. He then wrote something under it. " Here's how's that for a caption" he showed her what he had written. Her face dropped when she read the words. 'How our demons haunt us'. She couldn't believe he came up with that. It's like what she was feeling but being able to say it. "Wow, that's deep and so true," she said, trying not to cry in front of the whole class. "Hey do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch.....only if you want" he didn't want to force her to sit with him. He knew she kept people at a distance because of it all. He didn't expect her to say yes. "Sure how many people are there" wow she said yes. "3 not many" he replied with a smirk. " I'll be there". Just then the bell rang and they went to their next classes.


Caleb pov- Me and Tess walked to where my friends were sitting. I could tell she was a little nervous but I know she is going to love them. We sat down and I introduced her to everyone. " Guys this is Tess, Tess this is Jurnee,Karl, and Will." They all smiled and shook her hand. I think they could tell she was nervous too. "Hi," she said shyly. "Hi, are you two in the same home room?" Jurnee asked, super nice. " yeah" she was still shy I don't know why tho. She's amazing and I know they're going to love her. "Are you that girl who's into it with Sam?" Will asked straight forward. But that's how he is. "Yep that's me I don't even know how that got out" she started to open up and not be so shy. It was adorable. Stop Caleb, she doesn't like you like that. "Oh yeah at first Sam seems nice but is so not she's a bitch" Jurnee says with no filter. That's how she is. "She never seems nice to me, she seems like a main character who wants everyone to be her friend uhh such a drag" Tess was really bonding with Jurnee. But I could see them being close. We all went on talking abou anything that came up. When lunch was almost over we all decided to be a group. We would walk home together today and just the five of us. When we went to our last class I could see Tess wasn't ok. "You ok T" she looked at him for a moment then responded. "Nothing it's just the group are my first friends outside of Alissa but I'm fine" this time she didn't tear up she just had a blank stare. I didn't know what to do. I still didn't want to rush her. We made it to class and took our seats. She went to her note book and was actually paying attention. I was surprised but didn't say anything. A few minutes later I saw her in her other notebook not paying attention. See it doesn't last long but progress. The bell rang and we were walking out when she stopped me. " hey do you maybe want to come and watch Stranger Things with me at my house this weekend ". I was really confused. " yeah I'll come". I was confused because I didn't think she would want to watch with me after the whole Alissa thing. If she wants me to come I will. We then met up with the rest of the group and began to walk everyone home. Once we walk Jurnee home last we go get Tess brothers and go to her house. (Time skip to Friday)
So this chapter gave me some compilation but it is up. Anyway feel free to comment what you think about it. (No one will read this but it's ok)

Word count- 1143

So far shortest chapter

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