Chapter 3

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His home life

Reader's pov- It was the last class of the day and it was homeroom. This was the class that Caleb and Tess had together. They were finishing their timeline without saying anything. Tess would sometimes pick up her notebook and write something. He didn't mind. He liked her drawing. When there was 15 minutes left in class they finished their project. Tess then really focused on her drawing. It was the same one for the beginning of the day. She added a girl to it. The girl was on her knees and the shadow was over her. Tess wanted to add a description at the bottom but didn't know what to add. Caleb saw and was amazed at how much she expressed in a drawing. He was going to compliment her but didn't. There was tension in the air. He didn't want to make things worse. Once the bell rang Tess didn't rush out like she does every other day. She sat and stared at her drawing. Caleb noticed and stayed behind with her. " Hey what's wrong Tess" he said in a calm voice. " uhh nothing... What do you think of this?" She said as she showed him the drawing. " I think it says a lot and is really good." He responded with his face heating up. She didn't say anything. She just got up and hugged him as a thank you. " I thought you didn't like being hugged" a smirk grew in his face. She didn't know how to respond and quickly pulled away. Her face also started heating up. " Sorry it's just your nice" she was blushing like crazy. He found it adorable. " Come on, let's go" he said as he helped her with her things. They walked out and he decided to walk her home. As they walked they talked about things they had in common. They were laughing and having a good time. " Oh, before I go home I have to get my younger siblings". She said as she remembered. " No problem, what's their name?" He was really calm and she really liked that about him. " James and Mike, their twins," she said with a smile wide on her face. He swore she was the cutest thing in the world. Why would she want him? " Oh cool" he said, now feeling discouraged. " Hey what's wrong" her voice filled with concern. At first he didn't respond and kept walking. Why tho?

Caleb pov- I didn't respond I couldn't. I wanted to get closer with her. If I did, things would get complicated. She doesn't need complications in her life. So when I finally did respond all I said was "nothing". I don't think she believed me but she dropped it clearly seeing I didn't want to talk. " Anyways I think my brothers are gonna really like you oh and just to warn you they are very talkative so yea" her voice was very soothing and calm. " That's fine" why am I such a dork. When we made it to her brother's school they ran up to her very happily. They looked at me for a moment before talking. " Hi I'm James and this is my twin brother Mike. Are you a friend of Tess" I was surprised by how proper he talked. " Yeah I am. I'm Caleb" when I said this both of their faces lit up. I was confused until Mike spoke. " Like Caleb McLaughlin from Stranger Things" his voice was full of excitement and he was less proper than his brother. I look towards Tess not really knowing what he was talking about. I knew the Caleb he was talking about but was still confused. I didn't know what show he was talking about. " No he's not. Does he look like him at all guys" Tess suddenly said. I didn't know if I should take offense to that. We all started to walk back towards her house. The boys were kinda far ahead of us. I wanted to know what show they were talking about so I asked. " Umm what is Stranger Things" her face dropped in disappointment. "You don't know what Stranger Things is omg it is only my favorite show of all time" she said with a big smile on her face. Her smile warmed my heart so much. " Oh yeah well maybe you should show it to me sometime". I said just to see her reaction. What she said I definitely did not expect. " oh I'm definitely going to show you it, we will watch the whole thing just like me and...." She stopped in the middle of what she was saying. " What's wrong Tess?" I was worried. She was just so thrilled now she was really quiet. "Nothing I was just going to say that I can't watch it with you but you definitely should just not with me" I was going to respond but she ran ahead. Once she was far ahead she turned around and said "you can head home we live around the corner bye". I was really confused but started walking home.

Reader's pov- Caleb finally made it home. He was greeted by his mom in the kitchen cooking and his dad on the couch. He was just going to go upstairs like he always did but was stopped by his dad. Just to let you know there was something special about his family. His dad had a king smell. "What's that smell on you boy" his dad suddenly said in a mean tone. He didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to but he knew what would happen if he didn't. " what do you mean what do I smell like" he didn't want to give himself away. "You smell like someone, a sweet girl maybe" he's tone was going up and down. Cable knew why he was saying this. In his family by the time you were his age you had to find a mate. Your mate had to become a part of you. In order to mate with someone you had to take them to this lake called 'Lovers Park'. Once you and whoever you choose share a Kiss in Lovers Park you become mates. "So is this girl I'm smelling gonna be your mate son" his father said impatiently. It snapped Caleb out of his thoughts. "W-what n-no I-I mean maybe if she wants I don't know" he saw the expression on his father's face change as he said this. His dad had high expectations for him. He always got so mad when he talked like he was never gonna get a mate. Caleb did want a mate, it's just he didn't want to hurt or make whoever it was life change in a bad way. He came off as mean and a loner but he had to be so people wouldn't have to deal with his dad. "Listen this is the first girl to get close enough that I could smell her don't punk out and take her to 'Lovers Park' and get your DAMN MATE you pussy". His dad once again pulled him out of his thoughts. All of a sudden he felt angre rise in him. He couldn't hold it in at this point. "Fuck off shithead I'll mate when I fucking what to" when he said this his dad turned red. His mom heard and came into the living room. He was still super mad. He could tell his dad was too. "I'm glad you're here, did you know that your son doesn't want to mate" his mom seemed shocked and also like she understood. "Well he has his whole life he eventually will wanna mate" she says trying to lighten the tension that's in the air. His father wasn't letting up; he was furious. "Why are you trying to be understanding he knows what he has to do he's just being a fucking wuss" what he said angered Caleb even more. "How about you shut the fuck up and let me do what the fuck I want to you don't fucking control me you asshole". He let out in an instant. A second later his dad pushed him to the ground. He was about to beat his son to the ground when he suddenly flew back. Caleb had pushed him off of him. But he had so much force. ( a/n: they don't have ability or anything it's just when they get mad who knows what could happen it's a thing with all emotions) His dad got up and so did Caleb. They were ready to fight one on one but his mom yelled very loudly. "STOP BOTH OF YOU JUST STOP!!!!!! You two are always fighting and I'm sick of it. He will find a mate soon, don't push him so hard. Caleb pls find a mate sweetie and control your anger before someone gets hurt". Caleb walked away to his room. Caleb was so sick of putting up with his father's mess he wanted to leave. He wanted to move out but couldn't until he found a mate. But he didn't want to trouble anyone with his confusing life. And with his crazy family. He laid in his bed and fell asleep.


3rd chapter dont really know why I'm writing this I like that when I get an idea I can make it go on for a while. So once again hope you like it

Word count- 1575

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