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As Haechan entered the dorm he noticed it was pitch black.
I guess I'm all alone now. He thinks.
The brunette makes his way into the hallway still not turning on the lights, but he soon gets startled hearing a certain males voice coming from the living room.
"You're here already?"

Haechan freezes for a second, debating if he should answer the blonde male. He doesn't and quietly makes his way to his room. He was about to shut the door when Mark quickly holds a hand on the door to stop him. Haechan furrows his eyebrows looking anywhere but the older. "What."
He asks the blonde male coldly. Mark sighs looking at the sight of the younger. His eyes are red and he has an angry look in his face as he's still holding tightly onto the doorknob.
"Can I come in? I want to talk about-"
"I'm tired right now. Maybe later."

Haechan shuts the door in his face as he walks to his bed. He sits down with a frown and plays back what happened today in his head. He lets his tears fall as he pulls a hand up to his mouth to silence his cries. "Haechan please listen. I.. I really didn't mean it like that. I never meant for my words to make you feel bad. I-I just meant for us to take a small break. We don't have to do anything else but that, I don't want that. I really do like you a lot, but I can't right now. We both need this, just for a little bit and then-

Haechan opens the door quickly shutting Mark up as he looks back at the younger. He sees how much this affected him, he feels it too. "Fine. I'll let you have your little break. You can have all the time you want."
"Really? that's good then, see now we can go to work and-"
"But that's it. We're on a break, so don't bother me if you need me. I'll go to someone else too,you're allowed."

Mark furrows his eyebrows at this.
"What? what the fuck do you mean by that?"
"I'm saying we can have are own fun by ourselves. Cause apparently you need this break more than me. I can't help it if I'm suddenly in need of pleasure, I'll let them touch me."
Mark looks pissed at this point. His eyebrows are making forehead crease and he looks like he wants to punch something.
"Lee Donghyuck."

Haechan raises his eyebrow questioning Mark through his eyes.
"You really think you can handle it? You're already fuming just standing here."
"I never said we broke up! I said we were taking some time away from each other why can't you just understand that??"
"Oh really? The word break and broke are basically the same thing. I'm just saying that I'm not going to be sitting here waiting for you to get over yourself while I can be with someone who actually cares about me."
Mark looks at Haechan with so much anger the younger is almost scared. He wants this plan of his to work and it's going smoothly so far.
The brunette walks back into his room shrugging his shoulders. "Whatever you want though. You do you I'll do it my way."
Mark takes a deep breath. He walks out closing the door and heads to his room.
Haechan smirks and sighs as he puts on his clothes to go to bed.

Two can play at this game.


They are now back to filming set as they all talk with laughter in groups. Some are resting or just going over their own lines. Meanwhile Mark is busy trying to keep an eye on his boyfriend who is now bursting with laughter with the directors new castings. The other day they met 4 new actors who joined them for the last few episodes. Right know Haechan is sitting next to Kim Sunwoo , while Ji Changmin, Kim Younghoon, and JuHaknyeon are surrounding him.
Mark just stares at the brunette as he walks away to go get ready for his next scene. He gulps his water bottle fast while Sunwoo approaches him. "Hello, we didn't get to talk much earlier. I'm Sunwoo I'll be working with you for a couple of scenes, I hope you'll help me and my members if we get stuck."
Sunwoo smiles awkwardly as Mark just stares at him. Jaehyun and Yuta quickly make their way towards him to help him out. "Oh hey there Sunwoo, how have you been doing? Need any help so far?"
Yuta kindly smiles and Sunwoo shakes his head bowing a bit. "Not yet, but thank you."
"Just make sure to ask us okay? We're all a team here."
Jaehyun smiles softly while someone grumbles at the side.
"Tsk yeah right." Mark quietly mumbles as he walks away.
Yuta and Jaehyun just laugh awkwardly. "Hahaha he's a bit shy when meeting new people."
"Especially from such an amazing group like yours."
Sunwoo eyes widen as he smiles in surprise. "No we're not...haha you're group is so much more cooler."
Jaehyun just waves his hands in the hair. "No you are also cool. I've seen your skills wooo they're-

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