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It's now Thursday, they are currently filming episode 11. And it's all hectic since they have barely been getting any sleep. Right now Haechan is filming his scenes with Doyoung,Jaehyun,and Mark. It's a scene where they have a group project and are at Marks house. Doyoung and Jaehyun are using the computer for research, meanwhile Mark and Haechan are sitting on the floor with snacks and "taking notes" .

  "Hey!! That was mine!"
"Why don't you just eat that one?"
"I don't like almonds!!"
"Since when were you so picky?"
"Me?? Picky??"
Haechans character stands on his knees and tackles Mark "What do you mean I'm picky, have you seen your taste? Who eats Macaroni with raisins??"
"I do, and what's wrong with that??"
"So you can judge my taste meanwhile-
Doyoung then spins around on his chair.
"Hey kids quiet down !! Me and Hyunjae are trying to finish our project."
"Sorry.." they both say quietly.
"Have you gotten anything done Sojung?"
"Yes!! Unlike Minhyung over here."
"Hey! I'm doing my work, you're the one complaining about me eating what I want."
"That's because I wanted the strawberry jelly..." Haechans character pouts while lowering his voice. If Mark were in the real world, he would give up his jelly right away for this baby. But no, they are classmates in this drama. Tom and Jerry classmates too. "Well too bad Sojung, I got it first." Marks character is about to bite his jelly, but Haechan leans in quick and bites it off his hand. He pulls away smiling whilst chewing happily."really?"
"You had it coming." Mark just sighs. Haechan brings the laptop towards him to take some more "notes".


Mark turns to Haechan after they stand up.
"Hey you want the rest of the jelly??"
The younger shakes his head "no , I'm not that hungry yet. I'm saving my tummy for dinner." He smiles brightly while mark returns it.
"Ok then."
"HAECHAN they're calling you to look over the script for tomorrow."
"Ok, I'm coming."
Haechan looks around before grabbing marks arm to drag him to the back. "What is it?"
Haechan looks behind him and Mark before leaning up to kiss him gently. He lays his hands on Marks broad shoulders to balance himself. As Mark snakes his arms around the youngers waist pulling him closer. They soon need to pull away for air,Mark looks at Haechan lovingly before speaking "I thought you said we were trying to keep it down for now."
"That's what I said but I can't help it when you're so close to me. I just wanna give you kisses whenever you're near me."
"Me too baby, but weren't you needed just now?" Haechans eyes soon widen and he's trying to run out of Marks arms, but the older pulls his arm once more to bring him into one more kiss."Good luck" "thanks." Haechan then runs towards the writer to take a look at the script.


It is now Saturday, the day of the date. And Haechan is so excited that he's been finishing his scenes so quick today. He's now on his last scene with Seungwoo, they are apparently in the courtyard for this scene. Haechans character is taking night classes and needed some air. He's listening to nature to calm him down, he's been pretty stressed since his character has over controlling parents he moved to Seoul to this school to get away. He can't help but worry if he did the right thing, he starts to kick some pebbles at his feet while sitting under a big tree with leaves falling down on him. Suddenly Seungwoo comes to surprise his by placing beats on his ears.  A classical piano song is heard as Haechan turns around surprised he wasn't alone. "Whatcha doin out here? Isn't it chilly for you?" Haechan pulls the headphones down to his neck." Not really, it feels nice." Seungwoo hums and then scans Haechan.He suddenly moves closer and grabs the headphones around Haechans neck "listen, it'll relax you even more."
Haechan is wide eyed at how close they are, but soon hears the soft piano in his ears. Seungwoo watches as he closes his eyes and sighs. Then Haechan soon leans his head on Seungwoos shoulder to pretend he fell asleep. Seungwoos character is supposed to just swipe the bangs out of the youngers face, instead he wraps an arm around Haechans waist and leans his own head onto his. The camera slowly zooms out as the scene is finished." AND CUT!!"

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