4-The closest

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They finally arrived at the restaurant and are now taking their seats. Haechan is sitting in between Doyoung and Mark, meanwhile Seungwoo is across from Haechan.They order the food they want and all take turns ,Haechan orders dumplings and spicy ramen with an egg,while Mark orders the same just regular ramen and egg. The food arrives quickly and everyone says thanks and digs in. Haechan must've been really hungry since he kept spilling his soup all over his lips.
Mark hands him a napkin and whispers closely
"Your lips have a whole in them??"
"Your mouth, clean it."
Haechan wipes his mouth and looks around to see if anyone noticed his mess. Thankfully not.

"Thanks hyung."
"Yeah no problem."
As the night goes on Haechan starts getting sleepy from all his eating, he taps marks shoulder to get his attention.
"I'm sleepy.."
"Okay let me get the manager." "Mm."

"Okay let's go"
"He said it's fine if we leave early, I think the others are going for a little drink."
"Oh, okay."
"Come on."

They head out after saying bye to everyone and the co actors, and soon are in the van driving home.
They arrive and mark wants to talk to Haechan
so he walks him to his room.

"Hyung? what's wrong ?"
"Can we talk?"
"What about?"
"I need to ask you something."

Haechans pov

Im so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open, but I let mark in anyways since he seems serious. I go sit on my bed patiently while he's still standing by the door.

"Come here." I say
He walks toward me and sits beside me on my bed. I look at him and wait for him to talk. But he's just taking long sighs.

"Hyung , is it about the dinner? Did your stomach hurt too? Or was that just me because I know I ate a lot but I don't think it was that-

"No, my stomach is fine."
"Oh... well what's the matter?"
He sighs deeply

"Are you sure you're okay with this? The drama I mean."
"Hm? Well I don't know, I've never done any of this before. It's going to be my first time doing actual acting and not just promotion stuff. So I mean yeah I'm a bit worried but Seungwoo will help me, I'm sure of it."
I give him an assuring smile, but he doesn't seem to take it.

I look down upon hearing him speak my name so softly, it makes my heart feel warm and I don't know why but it's suddenly making my throat hurt.

There it is. My ears feel warm and all of a sudden I'm tearing up. Why? I was perfectly fine before, I was eating happily ,I laughed, I joked around with everyone. So why am I crying right now?
I don't even notice Mark taking me in his arms, is can't hear anything over my sobs. He tries to calm me down and it's slowly working. His warm hand rubbing my back, one on my head to pat it. My face is in his neck so deep that I barely hear his words that come out of his mouth.

"It's alright Donghyuck, this is why I asked managernim to let us come alone. I knew you wanted sleep, but also I know you. So please don't act like Haechan right now, talk to me Donghyuck."
He tries to pull back but I nuzzle my head further in his neck. He sighs but still continues.
"I know it's not what you expected your first read through to be. I know you didn't expect this to be a fucking BL drama....I sure didn't."

he says those last words quieter but I still hear them. I'm a bit calm now so I pull back now but still don't look him in the eye.

"You can do it though, I know you can because I've seen what you can accomplish. You master dances, you master your recordings, you master knowing how to make others laugh."

I smile slightly
"You mastered how to make me laugh."

I look up now, I didn't even fail to notice the teary eyes mark has. He's crying......For me.
He holds my sweater paw and pulls it back slightly so he's now holding my hand.
" I- to be honest, I hate this...
I hate the fact that you're acting in a BL, I hate the fact that you are slightly being forced to do this, I hate the fact that all the director said was how good you too looked together all evening, and I hate the fact THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE ACTING ALL LOVEY DOVEY WITH ANOTHER DUDE!!"

{Extraordinary  Love} A MH storyWhere stories live. Discover now