Orson didn't know when he moved so close to her or when he draped his hand over her waist either but when he did, he was a nervous mess. He stilled in his place afraid to even breath. It was really a strange feeling for him. He has never felt this nervous in his whole entire life. He hadn't a clue to what to do next. He was planning to remove that hand from her waist and to stay away from her but his mate seemed to have other ideas as she wrapped her arms around her mate snuggling closer to him making his breath hitch. A contented sigh came out the silver haired girl, as the raven head laid still. For a second he thought he was having a cardiac arrest with how much he was sweating and how erratic his heart was beating but soon realized that was not the case. 

A soft chuckle left him as he eased himself beside her. Her face was so close to his, that he could feel her soft breath on his lips. Speaking of her lips, Orson never felt so tempted to kiss someone so bad than he did then. His wolf wasn't helping either, constantly pushing the thought of them both kissing. He clenched his eyes shut moving his head a little farther from her and took some deep breaths. When he felt like he had calmed down, he opened his eyes and they darted straight to her soft pink lips.

The next second he had his lips pressed against hers. Orson found it hard to get off of her but when he realized what he was doing, he jolted away from her and darted to the far corner of the room as fast as possible without making any noise. His mate stirred in her sleep but fortunately didn't wake up. Orson had a hard time controlling his heart beat, his chest heaving up and down. Evelyn slowly opened her eye and Orson rushed to her bathroom the next instant. Splashing cold water on his face, he looked at himself in the mirror. His cheeks were flushed and his pupils were dilated. What the fuck have I done? he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his dark blue hair. 

"You kissed our mate. There's nothing wrong with that" his wolf huffed, annoyed that he couldn't get anymore time with his mate.

"Nothing wrong with that? Renzo I fucking kissed her when she was asleep while we pretend to hate her? Do you know how fucked up that is? It was our first kiss for fuck's sake!" He exclaimed ashamed and so mad at himself. 

 "You. You pretend to hate her not me. You're the one making everything a mess. All I want is to be with her" Renzo growled back. Orson did understand his wolf and every word he said indeed was true. He was the one making everything difficult for everyone. But he has his reasons. But also his wolf didn't deserve that pain either. Sighing, he ran a hand down his face. "You're right. I'm sorry"

" Me too. I shouldn't have took my frustration out on you" his wolf mumbled. 

"I swear I don't regret kissing her, but I regret the way I did. I should've asked her first and... ughhh I'm so fucked" His wolf didn't give him a reply silently agreeing with his human. Orson felt like slamming his head hard on the wall but he didn't want to wake his mate if she already isn't that is. Despite feeling so many different emotions and having endless thoughts, one thing was crystal clear to him. 

He loved that kiss.

Evelyn 🌕

My eyes slowly opened and closed on it's own accord. I was still sleepy but I jolted awake when I remembered what just happened. I was panting hard, and my hand was clutching my chest. I just had the craziest dream. I dreamt of my mate kissing me! 

With trembling hand, I moved my fingers and touched my lips. It felt so real. Like it actually happened. I touched both my cheeks, feeling them hot under my fingers a breathy giggle left me. I can't believe that I just had a dream of my mate kissing me! I fell back on my bed with a face splitting grin on my face. 

Soon the smile was replaced by a frown as I realised that I was sleeping on my bed. I turned my head to look at the spot I remember last sitting at. My eyes grew wide as my jaw slacked. 

Did I... Did I...

"Oh please don't tell me, I climbed on the bed and slept next to my mate-" I begin to mumble but stopped myself when I saw that I was alone. My eyes darted to every corner of my room in search of him but I couldn't find him anywhere. Before I started to panic, my mate emerged from the bathroom mumbling something to himself. I was relieved to know that he was just in the bathroom and not running away from me. My breath get caught in my throat when he turned around and our eyes locked. My heart beat went haywire with how intense he was looking and the fact that I had a dream of us kissing didn't make it any easier. I was sure my face was resembling a tomato.

"I-uh... I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was tired and... and I didn't know how I ended up in the bed. I shouldn't have-" I was trying to stop myself from rambling but the words just didn't stop from flowing. 

"It's fine"

Well that shut me up. "Fine?" I asked thinking I heard him wrong or something. He nodded his head confirming my question. "Okay" I mumbled, smiling to myself a little. It was silent for a moment and I didn't know where to look so I was just awkwardly staring down. I was about to ask whether I disturbed his sleep but I was shocked to see him blushing furiously. 

My brows knitted in confusion at the sudden change in his reaction. "Are you alright?" I asked concerned. He instantly nodded his head, "Y-yeahh..fine..." He was looking everywhere but my face and it only stirred my curiosity even more. "You sure? You look... I don't know flustered?" I questioned. 

My mate looked at me once and clenched his eyes shut, scratching his brow "Maybe... You should..." he trailed off gesturing his hands around his chest. 

"I should what?" I asked looking down and my eyes almost popped out my sockets. The long coat I was wearing which I totally forgot was hanging by my shoulder and exposing a little too much. It was my time to blush and avoid his eyes. I quickly adjusted my coat and slipped of the bed. 

"I...I-I'm gonna go" I barely got that out of my mouth before sprinting into my closet. Closing the door, I leaned against it burying my face in my palms. That was so embarrassing. Even though I was internally panicking, the image of his flustered face just erupted hundreds of butterflies in my stomach.

Gosh he was so cute.


A/n : Sooo... I was planning to update this chapter tomorrow but I was too excited and here we are. I hope you guys enjoyed it because I sure did. Finally we got to know the male MC's name and some fluff. Honestly I took this long to reveal Orson's name because I wasn't satisfied with the original name I had when I first started writing this story. And I finally was pleased with Orson. Anyways, make sure to vote and drop some comments.

I love you guys so much and keep an eye out for the next update as well.

Thank you so much for reading. As always I appreciate every single one of you guys.

Word count : 2083

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