(third year) Ch. 30 Sparky

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(Sorry that this is late, the final chapters of years are harder to write for some reason)

"Happy birthday, Seamus!"

The sound of nine voices screeching out that early in the morning made me want to murder everyone involved. I was buried in my covers, my eyes screwed shut like I was trying to block out the sight of everyone crowded around my bed. The sun has barely come up from behind the trees and they were shouting!

"Oi! Seamus get up. We've got cake!"

One of the Weasley twins leaned over me, brandishing a large cake.

"Stop shouting or I'll set you on fire," I mumbled.

I reluctantly sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Dean, both of the Weasley twins, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Lav, Parvati, and Neville were crowded around my bed, all barring colorfully wrapped gifts.

"You know what time it is?"

"About 5 am!" Dean grinned goofily.

"You guys have better got me some fucking good gifts."

It was a Saturday, lucky me!, so we had all the time in the world to celebrate. Once I got over how mad I was that I was woken up at 5, I had a really good time.

Lav's gift was wrapped in gold foil and topped with a blue bow, luckily she had enough sense to not wrap it in rainbows again. Inside was a small pocket size book which detailed every constellation that could be seen any time of year. Every single kind of candy you could imagine was also stuffed in there. Finally, a silver dagger sheathed in dark leather and engraved with the words 'to protect you' sat at the bottom of the box.

"Why the hell would I need a dagger?"

"I don't know! It looked cool."

Ron and Harry both chipped in to get me the biggest chocolate frog I had ever seen. It was roughly the size of a small dog and at least ten collectible cards came with it. ("It was limited edition!")

Parvati gave me a stuffed lion that took up most of my bed. Whenever someone untrustworthy was near it would roar, at least that's what she said.

Neville gave me a bunch of toys from Zonkos and a box of matches. ("Now he'll set the whole castle on fire!" "Calm down Lav, I'm not that crazy.)

The box that held Dean's gifts for me had three different types of wrapping paper and was almost as tall as me. It was heavy and took both of the Weasley twins just to move it towards me. It was a chest. It was intricately carved with so many designs it would take weeks just to figure out what they all were.

"It's transportable." Dean said excitedly. I had Flitwick charm it so when you press a certain combination it shrinks down the size of a ring box but will still be able to hold everything that was in it originally. And it won't be as heavy!"

"Thank you!!" I got up to hug Dean, which got me a side look from Lav which I returned with the middle finger.

Fred and George didn't get me anything besides the cake (which they refused to let me eat until I finished opening my gifts), but they did bring a gift from someone in their family.

"It's from Charlie!"

The first thing in the box was a letter written on green paper in white ink.

Dear Seamus,

I don't give gifts to any of Ron's friends, he get very jealous since for the last few years all I've given him are pants!

But after we talked on Easter I had such an amazing idea for a gift that I couldn't not give it to you.

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