Chapter 1

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His P.O.V

Damn city folk, I hate them I absolutely hate them. The way they talk, the way they walk, the way they live. Yankees just pissed me off more then anything and I am a hothead.

So the fact that I was being forced to spend the entirety of my summer just made my irritation surface more. The urge to punch the dash of my step fathers pick up truck was beyond tempting.

They were sending me to live with some sheriff for this so called "Attitude Adjustment" program. Their pamphlet they gave my mother was utter bullshit. It states that they are gonna make me change my ways through hard work and Jesus. Two things I detested, Bible thumpers and Yankee bible thumpers.

What confused me was how I was being brought from my sweet home in Tennessee to somewhere in the middle of no where New York.

My mother seemed to think I was becoming a hellion as she would refer to it. Because I loved to party, I loved to fight, I loved to smoke and I loved sex.

Sure I had sold my computer and stereo for weed. And maybe got into a few to many fights but this punishment was ridiculous.

I had been faking that I was asleep to avoid conversation with Steven. God how I despised him and my mother even more for being with him. He thought that because he was a redneck with some education that he had completely changed my mothers life around.

Turning her into some housewife, she had completely changed. It disgusted me everyone around me was a poser.

However I was a hell raiser and I loved it. The adrenaline from fighting was better then any drug.

Don't get me wrong I loved the feeling of a good high or a nice buzz but damn was that feeling when my skin made contact with someone else's satisfying.

Well that's what had landed my ass in this little nice new clean truck.

One night I was out with my best friends, and not gonna lie I had a good buzz on. And we were swaying our tails back to my house to crash for the night. When some little bastard comes over and starts trying to fight because apparently I had hit on his girl. Well let's just say he and I got into a little brawl in my front yard. He had ripped my shirt clean open but that's what I had done in return to his face. Let's just say if my perfect little mother was mortified watching that. Me ripping my shirt and screaming "now off to smoke some weed and fuck some bitches" did her in.

Now here I am feeling the car jerk to a haunt. His large hand smacking me on the leg "Boy wake up".

"Don't smack me unless you looking to get hit" I growled removing my feet from the dash and hoping out.

Slamming his door and heading to the back grabbing my duffle bag and backpack slinging them over my shoulder. Taking in my surroundings.

I was absolutely positive we were in east no where. Since all I saw was empty field and then the house in front of me. Decent sized with a single little truck in front of the garage covered in a thick layer of mud.

Oh good Yankees that try to be hicks this keeps getting better and better.

"Want me to go up with you?" Steven spoke up as I glared hard at that truck in disgust.

"I think I can handle it. I mean goodness the five feet is a pretty long way and I might get lost but I'm gonna pull on my big boy boots and try real hard " I said giving a fake stupid smile.

"Watch your lip boy. These city folk don't have to tolerate you like I do" He scorned

"Whatever father" I sarcastically spit in his direction while walking a middle finger tagged on to my response.

Damn did this driveway seem long, all there perfectly trimmed flowers and gravel along the long walkway to the front door.

Maybe no one would be home and I could ditch this place and find a way to go back home. Since I ready saw Stevens truck was gone from the driveway.

I set my duffle bag down with a plop as I racked my knuckle against the hard wood of the door. With no reply I pressed on the bell a few times hearing it's annoying chirp go off.

Just as I picked up my duffle to turn around and leave the door opened. Revealing a cute little thing in just a bikini.

Maybe my summer just got hell of a lot better.

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