'Jessica you kinda had that coming, and it's not fair to mislead her into thinking something that she is very excited about.' Ituxi tells her wife.

'Urg. I hate it when you're right.' Jessica groaned inside her head but also outside.

While they spoke telepathically Atticus was invested in watching them. They watched them silently stare at each other as if they were having a conversation, the facial expressions, the way they looked into each other's eyes.

Atticus tilts their head.

"Awk common." Jessica rolled her eyes. "A little longer."

Atticus was confused to say the least. She watched as Ituxi said nothing but Jessica groaned again and threw her hands at her side and turned.

"Fine!" She muttered out.

"Hey, uhh" Jessica found herself stuttering. But Ituxi nudges her.

"Mum?" She says to the Doctor.

The Doctor turns a giant grin from ear to ear. "Yes Sweetie?" She says.

Jessica huffs and looks up at Ituxi. But Ituxi gives her a look so she turns back to the Doctor.

"There is no giant Custard cream. Not that I know of anyways. I'm sorry. I lied." Jessica looks down at the floor.

There was a silence that filled the Tardis console with an Eerie feel to it.

Atticus watches, they look at the Doctor then to Jessica confused, uncertain of what's to come next. A little scared to say the least.

Ituxi gulps and looks at Jessica then the Doctor, she tries to figure out the meaning of the Doctor's look.

Is she sad? Angry? Mad? Upset? Annoyed? She couldn't figure it out.

The Doctor slowly walked up to Jessica. She said nothing. She passed Jessica her sonic and just held it out to her.

Jessica's eyes slowly tilt up to the Doctor she was sure she was about to get yelled at? Maybe?

She squints her eyes at her. "I don't understand." She asks the Doctor "are you not going to yell at me?" Jessica has a thing about yelling. As much as she does it herself she really does hate being yelled at.

In Fact it's part of her Trauma that she doesn't necessarily talk about. But the Doctor knows this.

"No." The Doctor says.

"Why? I lied." Jessica gulps. "I made you believe something that's not real."

The Doctor "I've fixed the Laser you have to command it to work instead of it accidentally going off it's voice activated so be careful." The Doctor turns. And walks back to the console.

She says no more. She pulls a leaver. And hits some buttons.

"But..." Jessica was confused and scared.

"I'm sorry." She walks over to the Doctor. "I'm sorry I thought you were being unreasonable. I mean it was not my fault I let it go off or that I got caught with it or nearly burned alive..." she gulps. "Well I guess it was exactly my own fault I'm so sorry."

"Mum?" The Doctor didn't reply, she didn't reply to anyone.

"Pa?" Jessica tries. And nothing.

"Dad?" Again nothing.

She sighs.

"This way." The Doctor finally spoke.

She led them through the halls of the Tardis.

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