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Claude's POV

"Abort it."
Hearing his cold voice as I looked at him in disbelief.

"H-how can you say such an Absurd thing?!"I yelled at him as I met his cold gaze and that made me a little surprise,it's my first time to see him cold like this.

"JUST.FUCKING.ABORT.IT."When he finished those words before leaving this apartment,it made my heart shattered.

How can he say such a thing.
I didn't notice that I was crying,not until I planned something.I packed all my things,still tears stream down my cheeks but I wiped it away before leaving his apartment.

I look up inhaling the air,staring at the view,which is now my City-no!more like it's my old City now.I looked back and already found myself that I was in the airport.

"Ready to go?"
I turned around and saw my best friend with her girlfriend, Guinevere is so lucky to have a girlfriend like Lesley.

I nodded before we went to our next plane.

4 years later

3rd Person's POV

"Oh dear,look at you!what a mess!"
She exclaimed as she cleaned the child's face before carrying the child as they went to the living room.

"Claude,did you finished packing their bag?"

"Yeah...but seriously where are you taking them?"

Guinevere only smiled at her best friend,grabbing the bag and was about to answer but someone opened the door.

"Oh sorry I was late."
Lesley said as Guinevere only rolled her eyes as she went to her wife, giving her the bag.

"It's okay,darling.Take this,please."Lesley nodded as she took the bag from Guinevere before walking up to her car.

"Anyways,to answer your question...It was only for today until midnight.So why don't you call Aurelius and the others,If you're only bored."She took the three child,letting them out the door before she closed it.

Claude only sigh before he went to his bedroom.Now, What's he's going to do? Probably going around the mall
Cause he was already in the mall.

Not until he saw a familiar faces,his heart beat started to beat like crazy.
He saw him,he was still handsome as ever but however he was jerk and a lot questions was in his mind. What he was doing here?Did he know that I was here?Did he followed me here?
Until someone tapped his shoulder making him Yelp.

"Yoo hoo~What are you doing there?"
He look back and saw his other best friends.

Aurelius, Standing there while drinking some orange juice, he's the one who tapped Claude's shoulder.
Granger,who was behind him all the time and to be added that made Claude startled more.
Chou,who was standing next to Aurelius oh well doing nothing.
Cecilion,texting someone in his phone,which is not actually surprising.
And Hanzo next to Cecilion,doing nothing like Chou.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh,we just saw you here not until you decided to stalk the two Paxleys."

Claude bit his lip trying not to be obvious.
"What?I wasn't stalking them."

"Then.What do you call this,honey? Following?"Aurelius pointed at the two Paxleys who was looking around.

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