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3rd Person's POV

"You throw it!"He said with an excited tone giving the key to his lover.

His lover showed him a toothy grin grabbing the key from his hands as he nodded before throwing it carefully in the river as a Romantic gesture.

This gesture is said to represent a couple's committed love.
The couple were on the bridge and it was a beautiful night,the fence bridge was full of love locks hanging into it.

Grabbing his lover's waist he didn't hesitate to kiss him passionately.

Claude place his arms around Gusion's neck before kissing him back.

And their first names engraved on them to the railing on the side of the bridge.

Remembering their memories,he heave a sigh while kneeling.
Staring deeply into it while holding it,He could feel the cold wind pass through his body,hearing the sounds of people talking while walking and vehicles roaming around the city.

He stood up and was about to walk away but he saw someone he didn't expect.
Feeling his heart throb when he saw him.

"Claude..."He mumbled.

Claude walked towards him while holding a book and a reading glasses,wearing a coat but not wearing a scarf.

Gusion smiled softly at him Taking his scarf off from him before placing it gently into his ex-boyfriend's neck.

Claude teared up,his eyes not leaving Gusion's as he hug him dropping his book to the ground.

Gusion hug him back,Claude felt warm in his ex-boyfriend's tight embrace.
He missed this,he doesn't want to let go.


"How are you?"Gusion asked as Claude smiled while holding a hot coffee in his hand.

The two were on the coffee shop,Claude invited him and Gusion was about to reject him but Claude insisted.

"I'm fine...just busy doing my job..."He answered.

Gusion nodded as he felt the tension of awkwardness between them.
But Claude didn't feel any of that it was just normal for him like they were old friends but hate the fact that they are ex-lovers.

"How about you?"

Gusion stared at him fondly as his lips escape a sigh.

"Just doing fine...like you I guess."
He answered crossing his fingers together.

Claude nodded as he got up and went to the counter and was about to pay but Gusion catched his wrist before paying the cashier with his credit card.

After paying the two exited the coffee shop,Claude smiled slightly as he stared at Gusion.

"You don't have to pa-"

"I have to,you insist making me drink with you so I'll have to pay for it."


"You know... I've been wondering why did we break up?why?"Claude suddenly asked making Gusion look at him in sorrow.

Claude let out a bitter laugh waving his hands infront of Gusion.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't asked those silly questions."He look down before walking through past his ex-boyfriend.
But Gusion held his wrist and made him back in where he was standing earlier.

"Let's just talk it about since you didn't give me a chance to explain,okay?"

Claude bit his lip trying not to bleed it before nodding.

"Could you please... remove your hand from me?"

"Oh sorry."as he remove his hand from Claude they continued to walk around the city and talking about their past and Of course Gusion explaining his mistakes in the past,no he was not cheating nor abusing Claude,it was just that he was not himself and he have to find himself first,he was confused to himself and he didn't know himself anymore so that's what he did,break up with Claude and then move out to the another city and it took him 6 months and of course he was finding Claude after giving himself some space.
Yes he really love Claude until then he still love him.

"Oh that's why..."
Claude mumbled and didn't notice that it was past night.
The two were walking around while holding their snacks that they just buy.
Checking his wristwatch he widened hsi eyes.

"Shoot! I gotta go,I have work to do! It was nice to see ya again,Gus!"
He was about to run but stop midway.

"Uhh-Care for a date tomorrow?"
Claude turn to look at him before showing his toothy grin to Gusion.

There we go,Gusion missed those,he really love that smile of Claude.

"Sure!"With that,Claude was now out of his sight but I gotta tell ya Claude was really happy that Gusion asked him out again.He can't stop smiling,he was really happy.

And Gusion was standing there getting a call from his Mother and proceed to do his job too while smiling trying to hide it but it didn't help him,he was happy too like Claude.

The two were really happy and can't wait for their date tomorrow.



I don't know...ok Bai Bai


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