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3rd Person's POV

It was a beautiful sunny day,Guards searching the thief with a monkey.

The Master thief was in the tree, waiting for the Guards to disappear in his sight.

"Let's go,we should try to find him tomorrow!"The head of the Guards shouted as the left the forest.

Claude heave a sigh before looking at his partner in crime.

"That was close."He said going down as they started to walked around.

It was now past noon and cold,while Claude was hugging his arms because of cold,his Scarf were ruined because one of the guards stab his scarf making a large tear in his scarf.

Sitting down from the large tree that was behind him leaning against it.

Humming some random music while his monkey was in his head.
Smelling something strange, he sniffed more as he smelled like something...smoke?

He cough as he got up from where he was sitting before walking slowly following the smell of smokes while His monkey was in his shoulder.

And there he saw an unfamiliar figure who was sitting there with a fire infront of their face while ruffling their hair.

His face heat up seeing the muscle and the chest or maybe Abs? of that person,covering his face leaning against the tree accidentally kicking the grass.

The person shift for a moment hearing the rustles from afar.

Welp Claude was lucky that the person didn't saw him because the person heard his phone ringing.

Claude sigh as he look the person again who was now calling with his phone.

'That dude must be rich...'
He thought not noticing his face heated up again.

He rub his eyes because he got something in his eyes and felt his monkey was gone either.

As he blink twice and the guy he saw earlier was now gone instead he felt a dagger digging lightly into his neck,gulping nervously.

The guy glared at his front as he shift his eyes to the thief,glaring deadly at him.

"Who are you?Did the Elders sent you here?"

"Uhmm..."He could not answer confidently because of his deep voice.
What made him like this? Is it because of the dude that he just met?

The guy dig deeper the dagger in Claude's neck as Claude shut his eyes.

"No!I-I'm just a t-thief! believe me!"He exclaimed nervously putting his hands up.

The guy sigh removing the dagger fr Claude's neck before he went to the place he was before.

He sat down looking at Claude.
Claude only gulped standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"What are you doing there?Sit down here."He stated Wearing his clothes.

Claude forgot for a moment that the guy was somehow shirtless,a blush crept onto his face before walking towards him as he sat down infront of the guy.

He was still cold even they're infront of the fire,Claude managed it but somehow it didn't work.

The guy noticed this and he took his scarf from his neck before placing it in Claude's neck properly.

Claude looked up to him blushing slightly as he look away covering his cheeks that were really red.

"What's your name?"he asked while staring at him emotionlessly.

'Is this guy... nevermind...'He shook his head pursuing his lips.

"I'm Claude and the only one thief with my partner Dexter."Claude said as his monkey went down to his shoulder.

The monkey squeak holding the banana that Dexter found.

Gusion nodded smiling slightly resting his head onto the tree that was behind him.

'Did he just smile?!He looks so handsome...'He slapped his own thoughts,can't believe he thought of that.

"And what's yours?"Claude asked trying not to being awkward.Maybe it's his first time being awkward with this person,maybe because this guy is handsome and hot

He answered slightly groaning.

Claude tilted his head one of his eyebrows raising as he lick his lips.

"Sounds familiar..."He said making Gusion looked at him with his one eye while his other eye was closing and still leaning against the tree.

"Now that was hot..."he mumbled and Gusion heard it clearly.

"Hot what?"
He was caught off guard looking away bitting his lip nervously.

"Shit."He mumbled again but as he was about look Gusion again,his eyes widen seeing Gusion was infront of his face,closely.

"I-I mean it was hot here...yeah...here."his voice died down as he said those words.

Gusion smirked slightly holding Claude's chin who was blushing hardly.

"You look hot too,babyboy..."He said before releasing his slender fingers from Claude's chin as he went to his position.

Claude blushed even more than before covering his face with Gusion's scarf.


The next day he woke up,he found himself and Gusion that they were sleeping next to each other.

Claude was leaning onto Gusion's shoulder while Gusion's head was leaning onto Claude's head.

Claude quickly move away from Gusion as he stared at him before kissing his cheeks shutting his eyes before he left forgetting that he should gave the scarf back.Maybe they will not meet again, that's what he thought to himself.

As Gusion woke up ,he saw his surroundings and notice that the thief was now gone and he stand up ruffling his hair before starting his journey.

Looks like Claude's thought were wrong and they will meet eventually in months.


:0 500 readers I see thank u guys so much!! I wuv u!! OwO


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