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Typed: Monday, 20 December 2021

Hello readers. I just have a very important message to hand to you today, depending on what day you are reading this because currently, in this date, I don't know when I will publish this.

Initially, I was planning to put this book on hiatus due to the number of subject assignments that I have to do. I also have my finals which I actually finished about three weeks ago. Then, I am helping out with the arrangements of my new home.

I've moved last month, on the 18th of November but the house isn't finished yet. We don't have tiles and finishings and so on. I have to bear with what my family and I have in that situation.

Anyways, I've made about a few chapters for you guys which I planned to publish about two weeks ago from this date. However, I wasn't able to publish it because I don't have data connection and I still have to save money to buy some data load. I don't have internet here and I usually jog over to my cousin's house for internet connection.

Another thing, I decided to maybe publish the chapters on December 16 but I didn't do it. It is because of the strong typhoon that struck our place.

It was absolutely terrifying.

Bagyong Odette— Typhoon Odette struck the Philippines that day. Yes, I live in the Philippines, around Visayas if you guys don't know where it was the most affected area. Before the typhoon, we knew it was coming and there were some memes about it on the internet like the:

Enemy Odette's SS. In our team: Radiant Armour, Immortality, Athena's shield.

You guys get that, right?

It was funny when you think about it but the experience was never funny. It was not a joking matter at all.

The rain was heavy and the wind was fierce. My family and I huddled close on the couch inside the living room. I was wearing my pajamas and my jacket with the hood on top of my head.

The mango tree in front of our house went down in front of our door step. I stared so hard at the underside of our roof— we haven't installed a ceiling that time because we can't afford yet to do so— as the roof made big movements that led its destruction.

The damned roof flew away, half a kilometer until it landed to our other neighbor's place. I legit cried and sobbed in fear as I shivered in the cold and wetness of the rain. My brother wailed loudly while my ate (an honorific to call someone who is older aren't related to or related to you) teared up silently and my mother prayed so earnestly.

My father wasn't with us during that detrimental moment because he was at work and he can't come home like the usual.

And so, the roof of our living room and our bedroom was gone. Then we retreated into the kitchen and the bathroom where the roof was a lot more tough and sturdy. We have to stay up until 1 in the morning and each of us have to sleep while sitting on the stools we have in our kitchen.

The typhoon started around 5 pm and it lasted until 12 am. It was like 6-8 hours of calamity. It was Signal #5 too. One of the strongest levels of a typhoon. It caused a lot of damages within our area and even our neighbors's homes were scarred.

I was a bit injured, just some wounds and scratches on my bare feet and hands.

Good thing, I'm still alive or I might not be here to live and type this message to you today. Because honestly, as I experienced the typhoon, I thought that death might take me.

It was traumatizing.

And I will never forget that.

Oh well, I am glad that my family and I survived through it.

Also, when I see the reads on the first chapter of this book, it got me completely overwhelmed because I never thought that anyone would actually care to read this piece of crap that I created. But thanks. It is my first time getting some reads. It is very nice of you to make me happy by giving some attention to this book. You helped me a bit with moving on from the emotions that the typhoon has poured on me. I guess my anxiety lessened a bit.

Thank you so much guys.

And yeah, you can go to the next chapters that I've typed here in Wattpad. I do hope that you will all like it.

Stay safe.


aamon paxley X o.c. • the duke and the runawayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat