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"You have your mother's eyes, dear. In fact, you look a lot like her." Queen Yessirei spoke while the two of them walked on the cobblestone path, the gardens entertaining them with its beautiful flowers, trees and trimmed bushes.

The night was beginning to clear up, the grey clouds no longer within sight. Instead, the moon loomed brightly over them, illuminating the area with its tender gaze. Seraphima nodded, slightly blushing at the comment that the queen gave her for it was the first time she ever received a comparison between her and her mother like that.

"You may be questioning about my relationship with your mother," the Yasson said, "Well. She is one of my greatest ally and one of my closest friends. A celestial woman who is the guardian of the heart." She sighed with the look of fondness within her pupil-less eyes, "It's unfortunate that you haven't met her, dear."

The Crisiant woman smiled softly and spoke, "I did met her. In my dreams. Somehow she existed somewhere else, just not within this plane."

The queen blinked at her statement, "You did? I didn't know. Oh well, I have no knowledge of her ability to do that ever since she perished. But I'm glad that you are able to see that elegant, charming woman."

"I am," then she said, "however, I think that dream would be the last one that I'll ever get to see her."

Queen Yessirei softened her gaze on the brunette's figure, bringing up her hand on her shoulder, squeezing her in a motherly solace. "I'm truly sorry."

"Oh, don't be," Seraphima meekly smiled, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'm fine without her. That one dream sufficed enough for me to talk with her."

They continued to walk, the crisp breeze blowing against them.

"How about the heart? Are you protecting it?" The white-haired woman asked the latter who subtly nodded in response, unsure of what to say.

"I have half of it," she told her, "I still have to find the other one."

Worry creased on the Yasson's face whilst she clasped her hand, "You have to, Seraphima. Who knows what might happem if the fragment of the Twilight Orb gets into the wrong hands. It is up to you to guard it with your life."

"I know," she uttered in slight frustration at the way the queen speak to her about it, "I know my responsibilities but please, you don't have to talk to me about it like that."

Queen Yessirei expressed a guilty emotion within her orbs and nodded with shame, "Forgive me. It's just, I wasn't used to not having your mother around to protect such a sacred object."

"And I wasn't used to having such a responsibility." She replied.

"I figured," the Yasson sighed, "I know it was impolite of me to tell you about what you should do but fear always lingers around at every corner, like a snake waiting to snap and take a bite at its victim."

"I understand."

"Do those men with you knew about it?" She questioned the brown-haired female who shook her head.

"No. I can't afford to do so. At least not yet," Seraph said while thinking about the two brothers, especially the chestnut brown-haired one. She knew that she couldn't just talk about her possession of the half shaped heart since it was prophesied that Gusion was going to become the vessel of that demonic god.

"That's good. It shall be a secret that shall not be revealed directly," said the queen then she glanced at the moon as if it were giving her the essence of time. "You should head to bed. I do hope that your room will suit to your comfort."

aamon paxley X o.c. • the duke and the runawayWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu