We stayed there for what felt like hours, but it was only minutes.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She said, taking her hands out of my hair.

She looked up at me, and I kissed her again. When I pulled away, her face was redder than it ever has been.

"Mhm, i'll see you tomorrow." I smiled as she turned around and started walking to her flat.

"Jareds?!" I called out to her as she turned around.

"Tonight is Perfect By One Direction."

She threw her head back and let out a strong heartfelt laugh before she waved at me as she waved to me before going inside.

I quickly walked home that night, I needed to talk to Phil or my mom.

Or both.

The feelings were only getting stronger, and... I didn't mind them.

That kind of scared me. They were so strong, yet I didn't care. I wanted them to grow even stronger.

"I'm home!" I called out.

The house was louder today. I could hear my dad laugh and my mom screaming curse words at him. I smiled as I walked into the living room. My parents were watching a horror movie and I snuck up behind them.

"Boo!" I screamed, grabbing my mothers shoulders.

She screamed as my dad laughed.

"That was not funny Will." She pointed at me as my dad pushed down her hand.

"I think it was funny." My dad said before I laughed and walked to my room.

They went back to watching their movie as i joined a VC that Phil and Kristin when i got back into my room.

"Wilbur!" Kristin shouted excitedly as I joined.

I smiled as I waved as I fell onto my bed.

"Hello guys." I smiled as I adjusted my laptop on my nightstand.

"You seem-" Phil started before Kristin cut him off.

"Oh my god! What happened?"

She knew something happened which made me laugh.

"We kissed." I said, as Phil's mouth stayed open. Kristin screamed into her pillow which made me laugh.

"You kissed her? Or she kissed you?!" Phil questioned as he laughed afterwards.

"I mean- I kissed her- But she kissed me back."

"What even all happened?!" Phil screamed in shock.
"She showed up at work again, and I took my break with her like always. We then went bike riding." I gave them the short version, but knowing them two, I'm gonna go into the longer version.

I started telling them what happened, and how she said that she would meet Phil. Kristin was sad, but said that she would meet her when she came to the UK, which i hope is soon.

"There were so many reasons that I felt so in love with her. But the main one was that she saved my life. She saved my life when I wanted to give it up. When I felt like I was going to get nowhere, she picked me up and showed me what life is truly supposed to be like. How freedom really does impact how you live."

Daytona, was in fact the woman of my dreams. She saved me. She saved me countless times, and she doesn't even know that she did.

I felt like I was drowning and she grabbed my arm, and brought me back to the surface. She showed me that there is beauty to life.

She showed me the independence I have, and I earned. She taught me that I had leeway to grow. That I was incharge of my own life, which I struggled with for such a long time.

My parents never cared what I did, as long as I was happy, but I always felt like I should get into business like them.

Then Daytona came into my life and made me realize, who gives a fuck about what you do as long as your happy.

As long as you're doing what you want, and you like to do it, then why let anyone stop you.

"Why let other people control your life? That was such a big thing that I learned from her. And I had no problem telling you that when you told me about your dreams, and that you were scared. I felt her telling me that if she could, she would be by your side every step of the way. I know she would, Skylar. She wouldve been there for you through it all, and she would've been your biggest fucking supporter."

It was scary at first, but now my PC was on the way, and I was getting everything together. For once I felt so amazing because I was a step closer to doing what I wanted to do.

I was so glad to go to school tomorrow because I really wanted to see her.

It's crazy how quickly things can change in your life. In a blink of an eye, you can be merely existing and then, you just all of the sudden are splashed, causing you to jump awake.

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