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Sunny/Moon × Security Guard Reader with Insomnia

You were put on daycare duty during the afternoons. Everything seemed fine and dandy, employees got a discount on juiceboxes and the animatronic did most of the work for you..... but then naptime was announced....

"Hey kids! Gather around! It's almost naptime! Go grab your blankets, pillows, and stuffies and come back!" Sunny said to all the children. They all went to the cubbies to get their naptime gear and remove their shoes.

Everyone gathered around eachother on the cushioned floor and covered up to sleep, then Sunny stared at you..... almost as if he was expecting you to join them.

Sunny looked at the kids and said "hang on, I'll be right back" he then got up from his sitting positioned and bounced towards you. He was just a bit taller than you, and a very tolerable guy when his anxiety doesn't get the best of him. "[Y/N], please join us. I can tell you havnt slept in a while..."

"I'm fine" you argued, crossing your arms. "You know how Moon gets when he senses someone is fighting sleep. I dont want him to hurt you-"

You poked the center of Sunny's face and whispered so the children wouldnt hear "he cpuld snap my neck for all I care, if I cant sleep myself, just have him put me to sleep permenantly" his head spun a couple times and he asked sheepishly "you have insomnia, dont you?"

You nodded. "It's miserable.... i cant sleep, and when I do sleep, it's only for a few minutes snd it just doesnt do anything..."

Sunny thought for a second.... "I think Moon can help you..." he said, almost as if he had been defeated.

Sunny turned off the lights and his head spun, his clothing shifted colors and his face changed. The Sun rays became a night cap. Moon had come out.

He slowly turned his head towards you "I heard everything" he said in a mournful tone. He grabbed your hands "come with me... you need a nap."

He had you lay down next to the kids and toddlers, "I'll be right back" he said.

You sat there awkwardly, some of the kids have already fallen asleep. You almost felt jealous that some of them cpuld just sleep so easily.

Moon came back with a blanket, pillow, and a plushie of himself and Sunny. "Try to relax... and have a few of these" he gave you three sleepytime candies.

"Why arent we allowed to have three candies when we cant sleep?" A kid asked. Moon looked at the kid and was quiet for a second. He was trying to put a sentance together thst would make sense to them.

"[Y/N] is bigger and one candy doesn't help them... especially with their condition... now please rest..." he said, ruffling the kid's hair

You and the kids lay down to nap, but you just cant get to sleep... Moon notices this and lays down next to you and wraps his arms sround you... somehow that gave you a sense of security, you squeezed the plushies against your chest and nuzzled your face into Moon's chest.

After he was sure you were sound asleep, he carried you to the security desk snd sat you on the floor behind it he waited for a minute to let you settle and then he turned on the lights.

He transformed back into Sunny. He looked around franticslly for you and peeked over the security desk. You were sound asleep on the floor, cuddling Sunny and Moon plushies.

"I can handle things from here" he said quietly before going to wake up the children and inform them to play quietly.

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