"Being you must be so easy."

She rolled her hazel eyes, her threaded thick eyebrows in a high arch. 

"No trust me, no one's life is easy not even Rihanna." I nodded in agreement. It's funny how Karma could be so beautiful but be living such an ugly life. No one knows everything she has felt and been through, except for her and God.

"Anyways i'm gonna leave you to it your friend must be worried sick, give me your phone i will give him the address to mcdonalds infront of our house, i don't want to give our address and I can give you my number to so we can hopefully still be friends." I agreed, confused as to why she didn't want to give her address but she didn't know Jabari so i guess i understand and I leaned over gave her my phone. 

She saved her number and i took her to Jabari's texts and she wrote the address.

I smiled and she offered me a hug. Her scent of cocoa butter and cinnamon tingled me nose. She smelt of safety and comfort , i know that sounds wierd but she did. I put on my jacket and trainers , picked up my duffel bag and went to leave. I waved a bye at mr.dark eyes and screwed Kush, Zion and Lox. Karma offered to escort me to mcdonalds, even in her pyjama's silk dressing gown and nike slipons she still looked tumblr worthy. I couldn't help but stare as she smiled and rolled her eyes at me.

"Stop that."

"That's embarrassing sorry" I laughed and put my hair out of my face.

"It's alright"

"How did you meet them lot?"

"Well, we are all walking problems, we find trouble i guess. We are misfits that find comfort in each other as cheesy as it sounds we are family." I coo'ed.

We carried on talking about life most especially hair. Karma offered to help me find a colour hair dye as i told her I have always wanted to dye my outrageous locks. I was kind of upset when we got to mcdonalds but glad when I saw Jabari. Karma hugged me and gave me a wave reminding her to call me when i got home safe. I thanked her for everything then left her to go with Jabari. I ran to him and hugged him.

"thank you thank you thank you !"  He rolled his eyes and adjusted the snapback I knocked off his head. His ginger curls were packed in a low ponytail and his freckled nose pink due to the cold. 

"Yeah yeah." He seemed unbothered as he took my duffel bag from my hands and started walking. 

He seemed annoyed. His eyes still bright bluey green but he looked so moody and down.I ran to catch up with his long legs and put my hands in my pockets.

"Are you alright Jabari?" He simply nodded.

"Okay, er i'm sorry for this." Once again he nodded.

"Jabari please talk to me." I just wanted to hear his voice again, Demi was no longer here. I needed a male voice of reassurance. 

"Hannah, i missed you." He stopped my duffel bag in his hands. He looked down at me I stood still. His jaw tensed and defined , his pink thick lips in a deep frown and his dimples hidden. His eyes were searching me almost looking for a change but I was still the same Hannah.

"You just left no warning, Demi looked pissed yesterday he kept talking about you. Anyways, don't matter now." I felt like I just got told off I felt almost ashamed. I started to walk and so did Jabari. 

"Hannah, did you bring your oyster because we are far from my yard unless you wanna go home?"

I shook my head. "No let's go yours its past one am and i didn't bring my oyster sorry." He sighed. 

"we're walking then." I nodded and stood closer to Jabari, I hated walking in the dark. We carried on walking, I was exhausted I hadn't slept since I had been at Karma's I had a quick shower and I didn't even eat.

I tried to stifle a yawn but failed.

"Do you want a piggy back?" I nodded and waited for Jabari to lower himself so I could climb on his back.

"Thank you Jabari."

"It's alright."

"And i'm sorry"

"Yeah i know.... Hannah?"


"Sing." I closed my eyes and sang the worst quietly. It was actually so relaxing I forgot about all my problems. It was like this all the way home. The melody came through my ears, just like the breeze touched my face and carressed my hair. Jabari's freshly washed hair often flew in my face. The smell of shampoo sending me to a place of safety and peace. His long feet taking me to the comfort of his home. When we arrived at his foor he got the keys out of his pocket and put my duffel on his living room floor. He carried me upstairs and dropped me gently on his bed, not turning on the light. By this time I was so exhausted but didn't want to sleep until Jabari was sleeping to. He took off his trainers, jacket and hat and joined me. My head on his chest moving to the rhythm of his heartbeat and breathing.

"Hannah." His voice making my head vibrate.


"Your hair is in my mouth." I lazily laughed and tied my hair in a quick bun using the elastic on my wrist.

"Better now?"


"Oh my gosh,well shut up i want to sleep." He took the elastic out of my hair and ruffled it.

"It's better now, goodnight Han."

I chuckled and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight God bless us both and our families-."

"-and friends"

"-and enemies."



"And tomorrow you're telling me everything that went on." I nodded in agreement and let the feeling of sleep take over me.

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