1st of the season

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Perspective: (Y/n)

"30 seconds"
I close my eyes.
This is it.
Although my breathing is a bit shaky, I try to exhale slowly. Blending out the sounds around me, I try to concentrate.
You can do this.
I slowly open my eyes.
This was always your dream. Now it's reality.
I look to my right, as I hear the screams of the crowd. I have wanted this moment, since I was able think. Now I made it. Even though it was by accident, I still made it.
I mean, four months ago I almost got arrested. Now I'm right here. In front of the crowd. I might even be in the newspapers by tomorrow. Who knows?
But that's not the reason I'm here. I'm here to live my dream. I'm here to do what I do best. I'm here to do what I like the most. I'm here for my parents. I'm here for Gahyeon. All the people who supported me, no matter what I did or what I went through. I'm here because of all of them. They give me strength.

I take another deep breath. My eyes wander upwards, in the direction of the lights.
Show them who you are.
I take a sip of my water. I try to calm down as much as possible, but it's hard. I'm a bit scared that I'm gonna mess up. I'm excited at the same time. I finally want to live my dream.
The first light turns red.
I will give my best.
The second light turns red.
"You can do this (y/n)!"
"Thanks, Mike. Just a bit nervous."
"Don't worry. This is your first. Just try to enjoy."
"I will."
There is only one light left.
All of the lights are red.
As soon as the lights go out, I step on the gas pedal. The Haas of Nikita Mazepin pulls in front of me. I get into his slipstream until we reach the first corner.I stay on the outside as I overtake him.
"Nice go, (y/n)! We are p19."
I try to focus more on keeping Mazepin behind me, than talking to Mike.

After coming out of turn three, I'm still on Schumacher's tail. Mazepin is still behind me, while I slowly close the distance to the car in front of me.

Lap: 10

"Yellow flags. Yellow flags in turn eight."
"What happened?"
"Stroll went into the barrier, while he tried to overtake Gasly."
"Copy that."
Coming out of turn seven, I can already see the yellow flags. I slow down a bit, while driving past Stroll's Aston Martin. The back is turned towards me. I can see parts of his front wing on the right side. His right tire is damaged as well. Because I'm driving, I'm not able to see, if he is still inside.
"Hey, is he okay?"
"Don't worry. He is okay. Keep your focus on driving."
"What's my time?"
"Mazepin is two seconds behind you."
"One third of a second."

Lap: 17

"Box next lap."
During the laps earlier, I managed to close the distance between me and Schumacher. Now I'm almost directly behind him. As we go into turn three I almost touch his right tire. I hear the screams of the crowd in the background. Since I don't want to make contact, I get a bit wide. I accelerate a bit too late. I can't catch up to his pace on the straight. Reaching turn four, our gap has become slightly bigger. I get better traction out of this corner now. Approaching turn five, my front tires and his rear tires are side by side. We keep going like this through the next two turns.
"You don't need to overtake him."
"But I can."
"Don't. Save some power."
"Im right next to him!"
"We have to box soon."
"Don't worry, my tires feel fine."
Going into turn ten, Mike keeps on talking.
"Just do as I say. This is your first race."
It's really hard to drive, while fighting with him. I get to close to Schumacher. Our tires touch. I lose control. My tires on the right leave the track. Because of that I lose a bit of speed. I manage to get back onto the track. Now I'm behind Schumacher as he reaches the next corner.
"What the hell are you trying to do? This is your first race. Don't mess this up!"
"I'm allowed to make mistakes in my first race!"
"Just focus on the next lap. Don't overtake."

Lap: 18

"Box. Box."
I make my way around the last corner of this lap.
I slow down upon entering the pit lane. I sigh in frustration. I know I could have overtaken him. I was too stoic though. I should have waited a bit. Maybe Mike was right. This is after all my first race. My first priority is to finish. To overtake someone is just a nice bonus.


After the performance, me and the girls go into the backstage area. Since we weren't the only group that performed, others are here as well. Jisoo from Blackpink to promote her new single. Red Velvet with their newest album. IU unnie with her new song. And also Dreamcatcher.
"Hey, you."
I turn around as I hear Jennie's voice.
I open my arms and hug her.
"Are you here to support Jisoo?"
"Of course."
I look to my right, as I hear some surprised gaps coming from there.
"What's wrong with them? "
"I don't know. I think they are watching some sort of sport."
As Jennie walks over to Jisoo, I make my way to Dahyun, who is standing next to the members off dreamcatcher.
"What happened?"
"A car just crashed. It looks really dangerous."
I can hear a surprised tone in her voice.
Curious, I lean closer to see what's going on the monitor. It looks like a white car crashed into a wall. It has big dent in its side. To his left is another car. That one is blue and white though.
Dami looks disappointed.
"It's his first race for Williams."
"He shouldn't have overtaken Schumacher. That was way to risky."
I look at Bora in surprise. They sound like they really know what's going on there.
I look at the title " Bahrain Grand Prix Highlights 2022"

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